Chapter 9

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Police's POV

I open the trapdoor and slowly walk down the steps into the hidden basement. Muffled screams are coming from across the room, and I hold my breath as I breathe in a putrid smell. What is that? It smells like something is rotting down there.

I jump down the rest of the steps, and a girl tied to a chair soon comes into vision. Shit.

"I got her!" I yell up to the others sprinting over to her, "Don't worry," I whisper, "you're going to be okay."

Willow's POV

"Don't worry, you're going to be okay," he whispers to me. He starts trying to untie the ropes. Am I actually getting out of here? Every time I think I am, something goes wrong, and everything goes to shit.

Once my right hand is untied, I help him to untie the other one, but loud bangs are heard from above us. Unfortunately, they were gun shot bangs this time, not something else. My anxiety starts rising again, as I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.


I jump out of my skin as blood splatters onto my face. My ears ring and everything happens in slow motion. He's been shot. Who shot the man helping me? I can't tell as his body falls on top of mine and blocks my view. "T-take...The g-gun," he whispers to me, before taking his last breath and spluttering blood all over my face.

I do as he says, this could be my only chance. Whoever is there, I'm going to have to kill them, it's the only way. It obviously won't be a police officer, because they have no reason to kill their partner, it must be either; Gerard, Ray or Frankie.

Grabbing his gun, I aim it at the persons head, and once my vision clears, a chuckling Frankie comes into view.

"Ha, you really think you'll shoot me? You don't have the balls," he spits. His words anger me. After everything he put me through, he thinks that I won't do it? "So be a smart girl, and put the gun down."

I hear something shuffling next to me, and my head spins like a flash in that direction. It's Mikey! He's alive? But Frankie said that he killed him...that lying son of bitch! Why would I even believe him anyway? Ugh, I'm so stupid!

Mikey notices me staring at him, so he puts a finger over his lips, implying that I should keep quiet, so I stay silent and look back at Frank, griping the pistol tighter than ever. Luckily, Frank can't see Mikey, since he's behind a bunch of stacked up boxes. I wonder what's inside of them?

"I said, put. The gun. Down." He says through gritted teeth. I don't lower my gun, I keep it aimed at his head, feeling confident, that was until he pulled his own gun out from behind his back. Shit! I forgot that he had a gun, I was too focused on what Mikey was doing. However, even though I'm threatened by his gun, I still don't lower my gun. "Are you dumb or something? Do you want me to shoot you again? 'Cause trust me, I'd love to," he smirks. I still don't lower the gun. "Fine."

He aims the gun at my head, and I put the gun down out of fear. "Thought so," he chuckles strolling over to me. If I could, I'd back away till my back hit the wall, but my feet are still tied to the legs of the chair, since the officer didn't get to untying them yet, so I can't stand up.

In a couple of seconds he's right up in my face, leaning on both arms of the chair staring at me. Grinning at me. I decide to speak up, "Where are the other officers?"

"Dead. And guess what?" He says looking into my eyes. It's almost like he was trying to find something inside of them. What is he looking for? "They're dead, because of you," he states. 

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