Chapter 18: The Talk

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Arian POV
        We walked out to the car quietly, and I could tell that August was pissed. I just stayed quiet as he helped me into the car, and put the bags in and got into the car himself.
      After he got himself settled he sat there a moment just staring out the windshield. All of a sudden he just started pounding on the steering wheel over and over. I flinched and said "August! August! Stop!"
         After a few moments he stopped and put his head on the wheel breathing heavy. Without looking up he said " you ok baybeh?" I nodded my head quickly until I realized he wasn't looking at me, so I spoke and said " yes I'm fine, my arm is just a little sore that's it" "let me see it" he said turning to look at my arm.
         "August I'm fine I promise. I just want to go home and take a bubble bath and cuddle please" I said grabbing his hand.  He looked into my eyes for a second before starting the car and saying "aight."
August POV
         Once we made it home I went up stairs and ran a bubble bath for Arian. I undressed her and made sure she was comfortable.
It was probably overkill, but that nigga had put his hands on her. I didn't like it that he had touched her. I hate when niggas touch what's mines. And to know he bruised her, he was a walking dead man as far as I was concerned.
Once I seen that she was comfortable I was leaving out the bathroom when she stopped me "you aren't getting in with me?" she asked. I looked down at her and said "you want me to?" She nodded her head "yes".
I got undressed, climbed in, and got comfortable between her legs laying my head back on her chest. After a few moments of just relaxing enjoying each other's presence I asked "what did he want?" She took a deep breath and said "he wants me back" I tensed up and said "say what na?"
"He said he made a mistake. He said he was just experimenting, and that he got scared about marriage and he wants me back" I got quiet for a minute. I was thinking about what was just said to me. "What did you say ta him?"
"I told him he was out of his mind. I told him he had left me for a man so what makes him think I'd want him now"
"So if he hadn't left ya fa a man yhu would consida it? I mean if he left yhu fa anotha woman yhu'd consider it?" I said holding my breath. She laughed a little. I then felt her pushing me up and as she moved to climb into my lap to face me.
She stared me in my eyes and said "no. I'm happy right where I am. I've got a man who treats me like a queen, and fucks me like a mistress." I smiled and said "watch yo mouth." She continued and said "I wouldn't give you up for anyone in the world. I'm yours until you say otherwise. You don't ever have to worry about another man taking your place."
I knew she meant that. I never had that type of loyalty before. Never. "I love you" I said. "I love you too ,more than you know." She said to me. I leaned forward and kissed her and tried to pour everything I felt for her into that single moment. And it still wasn't enough.

Later That Night (10:39 p.m.)
       I untangled myself from Arian, careful not to wake her and eased out of bed. I had something that I needed to do it was on my mind heavy and I needed to do it now. I knew it was late, but I had to get it done now.
       I pulled into the driveway of Arian's parent's house and jumped out the car and walked up to the door and rung the doorbell. After waiting a few minutes Mr.Grey appeared in the doorway in a robe looking confused "is there a reason you're at my house this late? Is Arian ok?" He asked in a rush.
         I seen Mrs.Grey standing over to the side also in a robe looking just as confused. "I apologize fa comin hea so late I really need ta speak ta yhu" I said. "Can this wait?" "No it can't please" I replied.
          "Come on in" as I walked in I spoke to Arian's mama "hey Mama J" I said "hey August sweetie, you ok?" She said looking concerned. Her, Arian and I had had lunch together a few times since the family dinner so we had gotten pretty close. "I'm fine I just need to speak to Mr.Grey I'm sorry for disturbin ya sleep" I said "it's ok sweetie" she said as she walked back up the stairs.
          We walked into his office and sat down "so what do you want to talk to me about?" He said staring at me. "I want ta talk ta yhu about Arian." "What about her?" "I want ta marry ha and I want ya blessing" I said.
        He sat there staring at me not saying anything and I knew he was gonna say no when he said "Look you seem like a nice young man but-" "befo yhu say no" I said before he could say anything else "know that I'm asking fa ya blessing because I have respect fa yhu as ha fatha and I know how much yhu mean ta ha. I already know if I was ta ask ha right na ta marry me she'd say yes with or without ya blessing, but I don't want that because I see how hard it's been fa ha to stay away from these family dinners y'all do on Friday's for the past month." I said.
              "I don't want to be the cause of her distancing haself from ha family. I don't have a family like this, but I'd love to be apart of yours. I love your daughta more than I could ever express ta yhu. So if you'd give me the chance I know I could make ya daughta happy, and I know I could be someone yhu'd be proud to have as a son in law." I said continuing "I know I'm a bit rough around the edges, but Arian will want fa nothin with me. I'll take care of ha and I'll treat ha right and I promise I'll be good to ha just give me the chance please." All my old insecurities were rising to the forefront. I knew I was going on and on but I wanted him to understand how I felt. I quickly wiped the tears from my face trying not let him see. I wanted him to know I was willing to fight for her.
                He stood up and walked towards me and stuck his hand out. I stood up and shook it he pulled me into and one of those fatherly hugs and said "welcome to the family son." I pulled back and looked at him and said "thank you." And he embraced me again. Arian was mine. I'd have a family.
Arian POV
        I woke up and felt August climbing back into bed. "Where you been?" He smiled "I had to make a quick run" I turned and looked at the clock "it's almost midnight boo bear what kind of quick run could you possibly need to do that late?" I said sleepily staring at him.
           "baybeh I promise it was important, but it's nothing for you to worry about ok. You trust me?" "Of course" I  said immediately. "aight then. Bring yo fine ass over here and cuddle wit me and quit side eyeing a nigga like yhu wanna fight." He said smiling as he pulled me closer to him and kissed me soundly on the lips.
       Shortly after that we were both cuddled up and sleep.

Authors note: Sooo 😩 August talked to Arian's dad. I'm not gonna lie I kinda teared up a little when he said he didn't have family. That moment just kind of happened to me to be honest I'm happy it did though. I hope you guys are enjoying reading the book. Comment and vote! That's how I know if you are (hint hint 😉)


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