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sometimes i miss us.

i miss the old us.

the way we used to be.

the way i could tell you anything,

trust you with anything,

be anything.

things went "wrong."

it was terrible for a moment,

a solid moment in time.

we stopped talking.

we stopped looking,

but i never stopped missing.

i craved you.

not in the way i used to,

nowhere near that.

i missed you,

i missed the reliability,

how you could keep anything,

those calls,

late night talks,

just having a friend in you.

life was boring.

i felt like i couldn't tell anyone.

one of your friends reached out to me,

and we befriended each other.

she would talk of you,

and i just missed you even more.

it was your birthday.

how couldn't i message you?

just a simple message,

yet look where we are now.

both 18,

both friends,

stronger than ever,

closer than ever.

what happened to us happened,

we've both agreed,

it wasn't right.

we were too young.

i still admire you greatly,

i still have love for you,

massive amounts.

i never stopped caring,

wondering what you were doing,

if you were happy,

enjoying life.

i'm glad you're back.

i'm glad we're back.

friends again,

best friends again,

until the end.

 i love you,

always x

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