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lately I've had motivation.

I haven't had mass amounts of it,

but it's enough.

it's enough to make me want to try.

to want to succeed.

to want to sit down and study,

to sit down and read,

do some art,

write for my books,

message my friends,

do all sorts of things.

but I've been feeling blue as well.

there's a certain pressure,

a pressure with everything i do.

everything seems tough lately.

I've made friends,

I've lost my best friend,

I've worried,

I've cried,

I've done it all.

but the pressure and blue remains.

So what do I do?

do I sit and wait for it to be over?

wait for the gloom to leave?

do I talk to someone?

tell them how i feel and let them in?

is there even a right answer?

do I suffer alone?

or do i do what I've always done,

and just sweep it under the rug,

one last time.

but it seems like it's been






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