"I'm eighteen, I only have one younger sister but all my friends feel like siblings to me its crazy," Alessia let out a laugh. "I used to be a cheerleader but I quit to join the girls Swords and Shields team. What kinds of things do they teach at Serpent Prep? I've heard of Dragon Hall but not Serpent Prep."

"Dragon Hall is a stupid school," Harry said turning his body fully to the side so that he was facing Alessia completely. "but they practically teach the same thing only Serpent Prep teaches it better, Weird Science, Selfishness 101, Advanced Vanities, wickedness, evil schemes and nasty plots... the list goes on and on."

"What, no History, Grammar, or Math?" Alessia asked turning on her side as well sending Harry a smile.

"What's the point in history? And Grammar and Math we already use it with everything else, we learn it as we go along. What kinds of things do they teach at Bor-adon Prep?"

"Remedial Goodness 101- that's for students coming from here, Magical History, Chemistry, P.E., Life Skills without Magic, History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet, Basic Chivalry, Grammar, Mathematics, Art, there so much more but I wouldn't be able to name it all."

"Ok, enough about school, tell me other things about you which do you like better cheerleading or Swords and Shields? I bet you looked great in the cheer outfit." Harry said sending a wink in Alessia's direction.

Alessia blushed, "I don't know, I honestly like both it's just that I quit Cheer to support my friends Lonnie and Aaliyah in getting a Swords and Shield team for the girls. You know Harry, I hope this doesn't offend you but you're actually a lot better than I thought you were."

Harry let out a laugh his hand reaching over to push his bangs out of his eyes. "Thanks." Harry said awkwardly, that was a word he never thought he would use but he was starting to like being with Alessia as well, of course he wouldn't tell her that. Harry let out a yawn, "I'm going to sleep." he then said closing his eyes.

"Goodnight Harry." Alessia said leaning forward to place a kiss on his forehead, Harry felt the spot tingle and heat up but he didn't open his eyes or say anything to Alessia.


Both Alessia and Harry woke up early the next day they both cleaned themselves up. Alessia's ankle felt better so Harry wouldn't have to carry her anymore. It still hurt a bit but she was sure she would be able to run and fight if she had to. Harry entered the alley first and Alessia followed close behind him. The alley was filled with people who seemed to be working on weapons, their faces dirty with soot and their clothes ripped and sewn back together. Alessia held on to her sword, ready to bring out if need be and she stayed close to Harry. She didn't know if he had any say on this side of the Isle but maybe they feared him as much as the people did towards the front of the Isle.

Harry turned to look at Alessia with a glare when her foot hit his ankle making him stumble. "I'm Sorry." Alessia whispered, keeping her head down and her hair falling into her face. For the most part people ignored them keeping up with their work, Alessia didn't really understand what Harry was so worried about. The ally was small, she could see the end of it by the time they got to the center where there was a stand of someone selling sandwiches.

Alessia nor Harry had eaten that morning and she could feel her mouth water at the sight of the sandwiches. "Keep close." Harry suddenly whispered, Alessia could feel her heart speed up pace at the tone of Harry's voice. Alessia didn't ask why, she listened, her arm rubbed against his but she couldn't feel it due to the fact her leather jacket was on. Harry had felt it, he had taken his coat off before they had entered the ally.

"Stop right there!" A voice called out, it was strong and demanding making Alessia freeze in her spot. Harry had stopped as well, except he didn't look as nervous as Alessia, he seemed more ready to fight. "Where are you two headed?"

"The Island of Hearts." Harry stated, his voice steady. Alessia looked around trying to find where the voice was coming from, she had no luck.

"If your going to the Island of Hearts, I'm going to need payment." Finally, a boy with shoulder length black hair had stepped out from the shadows of the ally. He had a red beauty mark around his eye in the shape of a heart and his lips were turned up in a smirk that made Alessia's skin crawl. "How about..." The boy's voice trailed off in a cold tone as he looked between both Alessia and Harry. When he got to Alessia, Harry pulled his sword out while Alessia's hand gripped her own, her feet frozen in place. "I do love this necklace." The boy's hand came to rest on the necklace around Alessia's pale skin. His fingers brushing against her neck making her flinch.

"No." She said in a firm tone backing away from the boy. She couldn't part with it, her parents had given it to her for her sixteenth birthday, it was one of the most important things she owned. It was a piece of jewelry that meant so much to her family, that included both Rennie and Matty along with their families. "The watch doesn't even work," Alessia tried to laugh it off. "it's two days slow and I'm afraid I haven't any jam to fix it with." Harry and the boy both looked at Alessia with raised eyebrows, both confused about what she meant. "Harry, is there no other way we can go to this Island of Hearts place?"

Harry shook his head, "This is the only Ally that will lead to it, everywhere else is blocked." Harry answered. "Just give him your necklace."

"I can't." Alessia answered her chest tightening with the thought of having to part with it. "I don't want to."

"Then I'm afraid you cannot pass." The dark haired boy said bowing his body forward as he began to step back into the shadows.

Harry turned to Alessia with an annoyed look crossing his features, "If you want to save your friends you have to give your necklace up. I didn't come all this way just for you to whine about a stupid necklace that doesn't even work, either give it up or I'm leaving." Harry said glaring at Alessia. He hadn't even noticed her eyes turn red with unshed tears, she knew she had to save Rennie and Matty, that meant giving up something she loved.

Alessia let out a sniffle and reached her hand up to her necklace, "Okay!" she called out hoping the dark haired boy was still there. "You can have it." Alessia unlocked the necklace before holding it out to Harry. She knew that if she was tasked with handing it over she wouldn't be able to do it.

The dark haired boy immersed from the darkness giving Alessia a smirk as he took the necklace from Harry and ordered for the big black gate at the end of the ally be lifted. "Have a terrible day." The boy said and Alessia couldn't help but frown, she would indeed have a terrible day after giving up the necklace.

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