The walk hadn't been long and Alessia recognized the placed they passed by until they got to a place called Ursula's Fish & Chips. Harry walked in letting the door close behind him, he didn't bother to check if Alessia was still following him. Alessia looked around, she hadn't had a good look yesterday but she recognized it, the place didn't look very clean but hopefully the place had good food, Alessia was in the mood for waffles. Then again the sign did say 'fish & chips' but that wasn't something people normally ate in the mornings.

Alessia pushed open the door and looked around until she spotted Harry all the way in the front talking to what looked like a waitress. Alessia kept her head down and walked over to him taking a seat beside Harry who looked over at her and then back to the waitress. "She'll have the same." Harry said to the waitress who nodded and walked away.

"Harry there you are!" Alessia and Harry turned around to see the boy who Alessia recognized as Gil walking towards them. Quickly Alessia turned back forward and put her head down hiding as best she could. "We looked for the Auradon prisoner everywhere but we haven't found her."

"Well, you clearly haven't looked everywhere if you haven't found her yet!" Harry said angrily banging his hook on the table. Gil jumped and looked around to see if anybody had noticed.

"I'll gather everybody again." Gil said, he looked around the restaurant once more and his eyes landed on Alessia who was looking down at the table her arm and her hair covering her face. "And who's this." Gil tapped on the girls shoulder and Alessia jumped on her spot turning to look at Gil who gave her a flirty look. Alessia's mouth fell open her eyes looking to Harry wondering if this was the end of the line. She's never find her friends, she'd never go home.

Gil kept his eyes on her, he moved closer and closer to her until he took the seat beside her turning her gaze away from Harry to him. "I'm Gil, son of Gaston, pirate to Uma and Harry. You are?" He didn't recognize her, Alessia smiled looking at Harry who just rolled his eyes and went back to waiting for his food.

"I'm..." Alessia struggled to give him a name, certainly she couldn't give him her real name he might figure out who she was. "I'm- uh-"

"This is Leslie, look at that Gil you've got her speechless." Harry said placing his hand under his chin for support as he turned his attention back to the pair. "She's nobody important's daughter." Alessia nodded her head in agreement and Gil took her hand in his giving her a little smile as he leaned in closer to her.

Gil waved over a waitress his other hand still holding Alessia's other hand. "Have you order anything yet? Eaten?" Alessia smiled at Gil, he didn't seem all that bad compared to Harry and the other pirates.

"Um, Harry just ordered me something, but you're welcomed to join." It was obvious Gil had taken a liking to Alessia and she just hoped she wouldn't give him the wrong idea, so next she said, "My boyfriend was going to join but he had to do something." Gil's smile faded and Harry let out a laugh.

"A boyfriend, huh?" Gil asked letting go of Alessia's hand. "Bet I could steal you from him." The waitress Gil had waived over was standing beside him, an annoyed look on her face while she waited for Gil to order. In front of Alessia and Harry plates had been slammed causing some food to slide of the plate. Alessia let out a laugh, Gil thought it was very pretty unlike other laughs he'd heard her on the Isle all cackling and evil witchy laughs. Her laugh sounded like music, it made him want to laugh, it was something he'd never experienced around other girls on the Isle and he really wanted her to be his girlfriend.

Alessia took a bite of her carrot, "You are rather charming, and I'm sure that with your father being Gaston you have some tricks up your sleeve." Alessia gave him a smile. "But you see, my boyfriend is rather too big for you to take on, he's the son of Hades"

Gil's eyes widened and his skin paled making Alessia giggle, Harry who was eating his fish strips was also laughing at his friends appearance. "You're dating him? Um- You know what, I really must get going I have a prisoner to find." Gil stood up but just as he stood he sat back down. "Wait, Harry, isn't this the girl from-"

Alessia's eyes widened, Harry looking at Gil his head shaking side to side."No, this isn't- now go look for her."

"Are you sure? I mean, I didn't notice it before because of the make up and clothes-"

"The girls we're looking for has a dress on, these are pants! Now go do what I told you to do!" Gil nodded his head and quickly stood up leaving Alessia and Harry behind.

"That was a close one." Alessia said turning back to her tray, eyeing Harry from beside her who went back to eating his food. "Hades really has a big son?"

Harry shook his head, "He's not really big, but Gil and him have had history." he answered pointing to some of the food on Alessia's tray. "Are you going to eat any of that?" Alessia looked down to see him pointing to the red bell pepper strips and she shook her head.

"What kind of history do they have?" Alessia asked finishing up her carrots before moving on to the fish strips.

"I really couldn't tell you even if I wanted." Harry answered stuffing bell pepper strip after strip into his mouth. "Gil never talks about it, we all just know that he hates him."

Alessia nodded her head in understanding and went back to look at the door he had walked out of. "Gil looks very nice, maybe he would do good in Auradon. My friend is dating Jay- you might know him he used to live here- and maybe I could recommend Gil."

Harry let out a scoff, shaking his head he looked up at Alessia. "Gil doesn't want to go to Bore-don, he'd hate it there. Who wouldn't, I mean just look at you- and that laugh? Who laughs like that." Alessia frowned, she'd never been criticized like that, in Auradon though she wasn't popular she did have many friends. Everyone in Auradon was nice to her, even her ex-boyfriend Chad whom Evie had exposed as the biggest jerk in the land.

Alessia looked away from Harry and pushed her tray away, she wasn't very hungry anymore. She just wanted to find her friends and go back home, be around descent well mannered people. Harry didn't say anything to her, instead he took the tray and ate the remainder of the food left on it. When he was done he stood up and was about to walk away, only stopping when he saw that Alessia wasn't following him. "Well, do you want to start looking for your friends or not." Alessia nodded her head and stood up following Harry out of the restaurant. A whole week she would be spending with this jerk, that's if they didn't strangle each other to death before finding Matty and Rennie. Then it was off, back home if they could figure out how.

1 | Wonderland • Harry Hook ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ