Chapter 6

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"Hey Cheech, what took you so long?" Karla says, her tone filled with amusement and entertainment.

''Bish! You asking me that now?!'' Cheech said, more of shouted really... Her tone was playful and childlike, it didn't really fit her tall and slightly muscular frame. I mean, who am I to judge?

''I mean, what do you expect me to ask? If you and that dipsh*t are done?'' Karla says, her sultry voice echoing around the small room that the 3 of us found ourselves in. There was without a shadow of a doubt that her blood was boiling. Considering the fact her voice slowly became lower and... well, angrier. For the short amount of time that I've known Karla, she rarely gets angry and trust me...I don't think I'd want to know.

She clenches her jaw under the dim light that surrounded the room, her big brown eyes turning a shade darker. It was frightening to say the least, her bottom lip quivering as if to say that she didn't want to be here, but unfortunately she was.

Silence filled the eerie room, none of us had such the audacity to break it. I oh so wanted to, but I knew it would be such a mistake to intervene a... well, a personal issue. I only met her today for Allysus' sake! So I made a wise decision to just leave my petty little mouth shut, I wouldn't dare to utter a word or I'd be six feet under the ground.

I was starting to get lost in my reverie, slowly forgetting the fact that I had two people who were willing to strangle themselves with such fury they wouldn't feel a tad bit remorseful for the deed they've done. I was going to zone out, that's for sure. Until a pair of soft and warm hands were clutched with mine. I quickly snapped out of it and my gaze fell upon those eyes that I've grown very fond of... I just can't help but feel enamored. I then see a small smile escape from her lips, as if to say 'I know that everything's f*cked up right now, I'll explain, just not now.'

''We'll talk about this later Cheech, give me a moment will yeah?'' She says with a lighter tone. Kind of like, Cheech's tone but only a touch more serious. Karla then gives her a small nod, but then when we were about to leave she cleared her throat just loud enough for the three of us to hear. OH WHO AM I KIDDING?! it's only the three of us here!

''Are you going to at least tell me who's the pretty girl you're with Karla? Or do I have to do it for you? Cause I bet that green eyes here isn't really fond of talking, now is she?'' She says with a tone that can easily be known as ridiculing or mocking to say the least. It took me a second or so to realize what she'd said, but it all came crashing down.

"I said I'll talk to you later Hansen." She said, her tone laced with anger and irritation. Clearly trying to calm herself down, I mean... the effort was vividly seen in my opinion. Karla was fuming, literally. Her nose was flaring and her knuckles were white due to the fact that she's been clenching them for far too long. Her usual bright and exuberant eyes turning to the eyes that were flaring with ember, with anger to be precise.

"C'mon Cabello, can't we just-"


I was surprised... really I was! For the longest time I've been here I've finally spoken up. My voice was clearly hoarse and husky, because of the fact that I haven't used them for a quite awhile now. They both snap their heads towards me, so fast that I swear their heads would twist to the other side if they did it a little bit more vigorous. I was met with the brown eyes that instantly softened when our gazes fell upon us. It was awhile since I've seen her eyes soften, or even show emotion at that. She was just so stoic and impassive, not daring to show people what's going on inside her head but I wish I knew... but maybe not yet.

"How'd you know my name?" Hansen asks, I didn't really know her name... I only called her by her last name since I recalled the time where Karla did, which happened not too long ago.

"Karla" I say, turning to her as if it was answering every question she had in mind, but before she could even utter a sarcastic comeback... I beat her to it.

"Let's restart alright? I'm Lauren, Lauren Jauregui. I'm 21 and I'm someone who wants this whole f*cking tension to diminish because It's seriously getting in my nerves." I said, Oh G*d I was rambling and prattling about this. Please dear L*rd, get the ground to open up and make me disappear already! I was blushing, VERY VERY MUCH might I add. My face was practically close to a tomato... Jeez, the embarrassment.

"Nice to meet ya, Lauren. My name's Dinah Jane Hansen, your future Brides Maid when your wedding arrives."

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