Chapter 4

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Karla | 3:45 PM

Lauren | 3:47 PM
What's wrong? What happened?

Karla | 3:47 PM

Lauren | 3:48 PM
Trust me, you are not going to die.

Lauren | 3:48 PM
Okay, if you're just doing this to get
back at me for calling you dumb*ss
the other day, I'm sorry.

Lauren | 3:54 PM

Lauren | 3:55 PM

Karla | 3:56 PM

Lauren | 3:56 PM
Why do I feel like I'm talking to a
different person?

Karla | 3:57 PM
Because you are. Hi my name is
Sofi, Sofia Cabello and you are?

Lauren | 3:57 PM
Hey Sofi. How did you get Karla's

Karla | 3:58 PM
Karla's my older sister and her
phone happens to be laying on
the couch. Again, who are you?

Lauren | 3:58 PM
I'm so sorry. I'm Lauren. Lauren
Jauregui. It's nice to meet you

Karla | 3:59 PM
The Lauren Jauregui?

Lauren | 4:00 PM
Well, I don't know anyone else
who's name is Lauren Jauregui.
So yes, The Lauren Jauregui.

Karla | 4:00 PM
Well, you should be flattered
Lauren. My sister talks a lot
about you. Like, a lot.

Lauren | 4:01 PM
She does?

Karla | 4:01 PM

Lauren | 4:02 PM
Wow... I'm speechless.

Karla | 4:02 PM
I can't really blame you.

Lauren | 4:02 PM
Sofi, sweetie. If you don't mind
me asking but what is your
sister doing right now?

Karla | 4:02 PM
She's trying to get Micheal off the

Lauren | 4:03 PM
Okay... What else is she doing?

Karla | 4:03 PM
She's trying to get Jacob off the

Karla | 4:04 PM
She's also trying to get Leo to
drop the knife.

Lauren | 4:05 PM
Amazing family you got there.

Karla | 4:05 PM
Trust me Lauren, if you think an
amazing family would scream all
day and chase each other...Yeah
we do have an amazing family.

Lauren | 4:06
Right... Sofi, do you mind if I visit
you guys?

Karla | 4:06 PM
Of course! I don't mind meeting the
girl my older sister has been talking

Karla | 4:07 PM
Here's our address.


So I'm finally here where Sofi said their house would be and by the looks of it, Karla has one hell of a family. Their house is huge! Like seriously, the whole neighborhood would fit here. Crazy thing is... it only took 20 minutes to get here and I've never been in this part of town mainly because THIS IS WAY OUT OF MY LEAGUE.

I've been standing in front of their doorstep for about 10 minutes now and I know I should knock and let Karla know I'm here but there are crazy sounds and screams that are stopping me from doing so. So call me coward when ever you want but I ain't going in a mansion that sounds like someone's getting killed. I've been hearing loud thuds, groans and things breaking from inside and quite frankly, my mind says to get the f*ck away from here. Sh*t, I don't know what to do. Yup, I'm going ho-


So, who's the coward now?

I took a deep breath and finally got my sh*t together. I knocked on the huge door and it didn't take long before a certain someone opened the door and revealed the mess they made. I instantly recognized the person who opened the door and trust me, I tried not to let my jaw drop. She was none other than Karla Estrabao. Even though she was wearing a white V-neck shirt and grey sweatpants... she looked stunning with her messy bun and big brown eyes. I couldn't help but stare but confusion was written all over her face then she quickly masked it with her emotionless and stoic face that was once there before she opened the door. She hastily pulled me in and she's giving me 'what the hell are you doing here' face. I was about to respond when I heard a high-pitched voice acknowledge me.

"Hi. Are you Lauren?" She said and I couldn't help but notice the big brown eyes staring right at me. Her eyes filled with warmth, purity and a hint of admiration.

"Yeah and you must be Sofia?" I asked whilst gesturing for her to shake my hand. I couldn't help but notice the wide grin on her face. Damn, isn't her cheeks burning?

"It's nice to finally meet you in person Lauren. No doubt I was curious who this mystery girl Kaki has been talking about." She said while eyeing Karla who seems to be called Kaki and yes, I blushed. My cheeks turning crimson red... Come on! Isn't it flattering when someone talks about you? Good things about you of course.

My gaze finally landed on Karla's eyes and noticed she's been staring at me and I could already feel the intensity from he-

"Wait, you met Lauren? How?" Karla said.

"You know, you shouldn't leave your phone unattended. Someone might have the curiosity to use it and see what's inside of it." Sofi, Karla's younger sister said sarcastically and with utter amusement. She's one hell of a sister I thought to myself.

"YOU USED MY PHONE?! SOFI IT ISN'T YOURS AND YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO USE IT!" Karla screamed and Sofi couldn't help but flinch at the choice of words her older sister used.

"Karla, the damage has been done so please calm down and plus, you called Lauren Bae❤️💕 in your contacts. I thought it would be fine texting her." The 9 year old said. It didn't take long for me to realize what Sofi said. My eyes widening and my heart beating way faster than before. I slowly turned around to meet a flushed Karla who seems to be embarrassed at what her younger sister had said. I would be embarrassed too if I did that but before Karla could explain why... I immediately asked her.

"Wait, you called me Bae?" I said with a hint of amusement. I'm trying to contain my laughter, but it's kinda hard doing so. So, it didn't take long before I bursted out laughing my *ss off. I know, It's not really a response people expected but I'm looking at Karla right now who's looking at me like I grew two heads. I finally caught a glimpse of her sweet smile but was quickly masked by annoyance and locked gazes with her younger sister. It didn't take long before her sister's eyes widened and ran away from Kar-


Oh no... Sofi's dead. Good luck I guess? Most definitely.

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