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Cute and sad AMV I just wanted to share with y'all. Bye!

Third Person POV

"...IT'S ALL GONE TO SHIT!" Percy shouted, waking some of the campers. In case your wondering what happened, he had a vision of Annabeth releasing Tartarus, then kicking the tar out of Hades and hightailing it out of the Underworld.

Naturally, Percy was distraught.

Soon after, Nico showed up with Hazel and Reyna. Explaining to them what happened, Nico and Hazel confirmed it with tears in their eyes. After taking a moment to let what they said settle in, Percy walked over and gave Hazel a hug.

Unbeknownst to hum, a pair of silver eyes locked onto what had just happened.

Artemis was back from the council, having been given godhood once more. She flashed to her cabin and had planned on a nice, long nap. Suddenly, "GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY IT'S ALL GONE TO SHIT!" rang out across the camp. Understandably startled, it took Artemis a while to get herself in comfortable clothes.

When she walked out, the first thing he saw was Percy hugging...some girl. She was short with curly cocoa brown hair. When she looked at Percy, Artemis saw her golden eyes, almost like liquid gold was compressed into her irises.

Looking at them like that made Artemis feel something...unusual, to say the least. She felt frustrated and angry that Percy woke up in the middle of the night and some random girl showed up to comfort him. So this is jealousy she realized. She never felt it before, so it understandably took her a while to keep it under control.

Then, she looked back up and saw the girl kissing Percy's cheek.

That, unfortunately for Hazel, was the last straw for the goddess of the Hunt

Practically storming over there, (see what I did there) she grabbed the daughter of Pluto by the wrist and jerked her away from Percy. "We need to talk" she growled, only loud enough for the girl to hear.

Soon, the most fearsome goddess in the entire pantheon was face to face with Hazel Levesque. Immediately after, Artemis teleported herself and Hazel to Camp Jupiter. At first, they just glared at one another, neither one backing down.

Then Don showed up.

"Hey Hazel!" he shouted, his speech showing he was obviously drunk. He burped, then put a shoulder on Hazel and asked "What's *hiccup* what's up girl? We haven't *hiccup* haven't talked in a while?" He then proceeded to look off to the side and throw up.

Thankfully, not on Hazel.

After he walked away, (thanks Artemis for that one) the two girls locked eyes again. After another minute of intense staring, Hazel asked "What is this about Diana?"

Immediately, Artemis switched to her Roman counterpart, which gave her a small migrane.

"Don't call me that!" Diana shouted, currently upset with Pluto's daughter. "Either way" she said "you crossed a line." Hazel arched her eyebrow, confused by the goddess' statement. "What line?"

" kissed another male!" Diana stated, nervousness creeping into her voice. "Y-yes, that's it. You kissed that boy in Camp Half-Blood while in a relationship." she concluded, her voice hitching at calling Percy a 'boy.'

"I was helping my friend recuperate after seeing his uncle and my father die in a dream," she retorted, keeping her eyebrow arched. "And even if it wasn't to comfort him," she continued "why would you care? Last I checked, Venus is the goddess of love and relationships, not Diana."

The goddess paused, her train of thought completely off the rails. Trying too long to find a solution only confirmed the suspicions of Pluto's daughter. Almost to herself, she muttered "You like him, don't you?"

Normally, Diana would jackalope-ify anyone who accused her of suck a thing. However, she still thought of herself as a mortal.

Therefore, she looked Hazel in the eye, sighed, and said "Yes."

For a second, there was complete silence between the two. Hazel, realizing what Diana admitted to, quickly tried to apologize for asking. However, Diana waved it off, worried that is she was mean to Pluto's daughter, she could blackmail her to do as she pleased.

"I don't plan on telling anyone," Hazel said, almost as if reading the goddess' mind. "I swear on the Styx I won't talk about this encounter with anyone except you." One clap of thunder later, Diana plopped down onto the floor, relieved beyond imagination.

"Why do you like him?" Pluto's daughter blurted out. Diana arched her eyebrow and let out a little chuckle that scared Hazel more than the giant she nearly resurrected at Hubbard Glacier. "Why?" Diana echoed, her eyes dancing with humor. "I'll be honest, I have no clue."

"He's very compulsive," she ranted "short-minded, and illiterate." she paused, letting her words stick. "However," Hazel retorted, careful not to offend the goddess "he's also very handsome, powerful, and most of all, very loyal to those he loves."

Stifling a squeal of excitement, Diana hugged Pluto's daughter, something she did rarely. Even more confusing, she flashed Hazel a smile and thanked her for remembering what he was like. "I'll be honest," the goddess said for the second time "I forgot what he was like before he went to college."

"While he was there," she continued "he was very focused on what he did. Plus, he was very quiet and I didn't actually go to classes with him. He just handed me assignments we got in the class and I did it." Stifling her own laughter, Hazel clarified why she kissed Percy on the cheek.

"Nico had just come back from a council meeting," she began, probably wondering if Diana was there. "Percy had a dream about Pluto fading due to Annabeth releasing Tartarus, and Nico had seen the same when he visited Father."

"Nico had returned just as Percy woke everyone up with his shouting" she continued "Waking up along with him, I calmed him down enough for Percy to explain why he was shouting. Nico confirmed what Percy saw in his sleep."

"While Pluto may not have been good to many people," she concluded, her eyes glistening "he had a soft spot for the three of us, so it hurt all of us to hear that. Percy was hurt more than Nico, so I tried calming him down again, which ended up with that sisterly peck you saw." she concluded.

For a while, Diana just sat there. Her train of thought was once again completely thrown off the rails. Hazel noticed this and stifled a chuckle, which earned her a small glare. For the rest of the afternoon, they sat down in the middle of the Field of Mars.

Hazel, finally noticing how late it was, recommended that they teleport back to camp before things escalated too much back there. Noticing the same, Diana repented, yet was obviously upset about being told what to do.

"Where the hell were you two?"

Hi! Holy crap, I'm sorry this came out so late. I hit a mini writer's block, so I was trying too hard to loop around it.

And I was busy with personal stuff.

Anyways, thanks for your patience, sorry that this part is short, and I'll see y'all in the comments section!

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