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Artemis' POV

"W-wait," I said trying hard not to stutter, "I can explain." She cut me off with a wave of her hand. "Explain thyself quickly, Lady Artemis. Or thy will face severe repercussions."

Staring back at me was my old lieutenant, one believed to be long dead. The Forgotten Hesperide and daughter of Atlas, Zöe Nightshade. I paled and asked, "How are you here, Lieutenant?" I asked, resisting the urge to run up and hug her. "Who brought you back?"

"Thy question is not important at this moment," she said, anger blazing in her eyes. "Why arth thou and Percy napping in thy room?" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Zöe, please, stop with the accent. Again, it isn't the 15th century anymore."

She sighed. "Fine. But only because you asked me to do so." I smirked. "Even though I hate talking this way. It feels weird." At that point I couldn't help but giggle a little. "Imagine what it's like when people try talking like you do."

She smiled at that, but then returned to the steely gaze she had moments ago. "Why are you sleeping with Percy in your tent?" she asked, confusion clear as day in her expression.

I blushed at what she was insinuating "I didn't do anything like that with him! He's just a comfortable pillow." Saying her expression was priceless was pretty accurate. Now it was her turn to be flabbergasted. "Wait-what? How-when...I don't even want to know," she decided.

I laughed, which was met with more looks of confusion from my Lieutenant. "You can laugh?" She asked, wonder in her eyes. "Yes Zöe," I responded sarcastically, "I can laugh. And apparently, I'm also ticklish and have a sense of humor."

Confusion morphed to horror once more. "Are you saying he-" I put my hand up to silence her. "If I tell you what happened, I have to tell the others as well. Wait until dinner."

She grumbled something about me not being a maiden for long at this rate, then stomped out of the tent. I couldn't help but chuckle.

I looked up my comfortable pillow and saw sea green eyes staring back. I was a little surprised but then I smiled, remembering what happened yesterday. "Hi Percy," I said nonchalantly, as I got up tried getting ready.

Emphasis on tried.

As soon as I started getting up, Percy grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "Just five more minutes," he said, "I feel more comfortable being a pillow anyways. Plus," he continued, winking at me, "you like using Pillow Percy."

At that, I blushed and tried squirming away again. And again Percy pulled me back and hugged me. Giving up, I put my head back on my favorite pillow and drifted back into the land of Hypnos with a smile on my face.

I was woken up by someone shaking me gently and calling my name. Groggily, I opened my eyes and saw beautiful sea green eyes staring back, wrought with worry and concern. I smiled weakly and hugged my pillow, helping him relax and hug back.

"Arty," he chided. "C'mon Arty, it's time to go get dinner. Even I'm hungry, so you must be starving." I heard my stomach growl loudly in response, so I guess I answered his question for him already.

I blushed a little before smiling weakly and saying, "Yeah, probably. Let me wake up a little bit more though, okay?" He smirked and asked, "Can I help?" The mischievous look he was giving me worried me, but not to the point that I wouldn't trust him.

"Okay," I muttered hesitantly. The second that word left my mouth, he started tickling me. Not only that, but he did it in the one spot that left me practically immobilized.

I held back my laughter as long as I could, but even I couldn't hold out for long. Soon, I was howling with laughter, squirming here and there to try and escape from him. Unfortunately, he had arms of steel and he didn't budge even an inch.

When he saw tears coming to my eyes, he stopped quickly and stared at me with a mixture of horror and worry. Thankfully, I was able to wipe them away and explain before he could get really scared.

Soon, I was the one consoling him, running my hand through his hair and rubbing his back. "I...I'm sorry Arty. I didn't mean to go that far," he muttered, before putting his face between his hands and sobbing softly.

I hugged him tightly, making sure he knew it was okay. Before you ask, yes. It is such a small thing to get so worked up about. But as of late, I had been getting bullied on campus, so Percy had been becoming very protective of me. He even swore on the Styx that he would make sure no one made me cry again after I came back to the dorm with bruises and tears.

"It's not the same as then. I'm okay now." I whispered into his ear, hoping he knew what I meant. He did, and soon he brightened up knowing he could tickle me to that extent. I hugged him again, making sure he knew I was fine, then got off of him and started making my way outside of the tent.

"Come on Percy. We have to go get dinner." I said, waving him over. I looked back, expecting him to be making his way over. But instead, I saw him curled up into a ball, hugging his legs and making no effort to come with me.

I walked back over, worrying I said something wrong. "Percy, what's wrong? You can tell me." He shook his head violently, something he did when he really didn't want to talk. I took a gamble and asked, "Is it because of the Hunters?"

He seemed to relax a little and nod slowly. "Percy, I promise you they won't do anything to you. You have my word." He smiled weakly and hugged me. "Thank you Arty." I chuckled a little. "You asked earlier, so I only see it fit to be answered now."

He tilted his head like a wolf. "I stayed with you because...because I didn't want to be reminded of what I lost. Your college helped me forget that, and the way you acted reinforced that idea. So, thank you."

He loosened his hug on me and offered a hand up. I smiled and took it, then walked with him to where the Hunters and I eat dinner.

At our arrival, all conversations ceased and all attention turned to us. Percy squeezed my hand a little, and I squeezed back to reassure him. I moved to the head of the table, taking Percy with me. I noticed quite a few of them were glaring daggers at him, and at our hands.

"Okay," I said, clearing the tension in the room, "It seems I have explanations to offer, and rightly so." All of the Hunters directed their attention to me. "You aren't Artemis!" I heard someone near the other end of the table shout. All eyes darted towards the voice.

A electric blue pair of eyes stared at me, filled with anger. "You aren't Artemis." she repeated even louder than before. "The real Artemis wouldn't need help finding her Hunters. She certainly wouldn't be holding some boy's-"

"Shut up Thalia." Percy interrupted. There were gasps and he was glared at once more. He met each glare just as ferociously and they all turned away, except for Thalia. "How dare you talk to me like that, you-"

"Thalia, what part of 'shut up' was missed in translation?" he asked. "I'm not some boy and I'm certainly no pig. My name is Percy Jackson damn it, and I refuse to be treated like a pile of schist."

Everyone gasped at the name, and even Thalia paled. "Percy Jackson died a long time ago," she muttered, looking down. "Look at me," Percy demanded. Hesitantly, she looked up into his eyes. "I am Percy Jackson. I'm no pig or some boy. I saved your ass more times than I can remember, so you better not have forgotten me."

"No, you don't understand," she said, "Someone was buried using your name. To the world, you are dead."

Hi! Just wanted to let you guys know that Wednesday's update may be a little late. I say this because I'm helping to chaperone a FISH Camp from Monday to Thursday. Sorry, but I'll try my best to get it out on time. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks, and see you guys on Wednesday!

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