Chapter One: The Fall

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||In this chapter, we invite you to journey back to the moment of The Fall, where the two men are diving from the cliff in one another's' arms and from that moment on- time has begun again! |||

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To fall is an offer that Hannibal had already accepted, open arms that encircled Will as the last thing he had heard was the mans voice.

'It's beautiful. '

A replay of this song, looped over within the surface of walls in his mind as their plummet from the face of the earth came to be and the wind had dragged them apart all the while they fell, the slickness of blood deeming it impossible to cling to each other. Will had already embraced the idea of death before he had tipped them off of the cliff edge. Looking up to the stars above he opened up his arms as if offering himself to whatever god would have him.

Hannibal had seen it coming, the inevitable in effect of a guiding hand that had led the other to his feet. This was what he had wanted for the both of them, to climb so high merely for the two to crash into the roaring of the blue below. The metaphysical of their lamentation, to be poetic.

Wills' mouth flew open in a gasp, an opening for water to rush into, flooding his lungs; he felt like it was trying to cleanse him from the inside out. Survival instincts took over, his body trying to swim to the surface in an attempt not to die here. The waves hit hard, as hard as it were to not lose grip of Will, though Hannibals' hand had outstretched for his only in resemblance to the creation of Adam in an Michelangelo painting.

The currents kept pushing Will down every time he thought he would break to the surface, Poseidon's hands pulling him to the bottom of the sea floor. There was an agonizing fight to not give in, as Will pushed and Hannibal pulled, the brink of death being the equilibrium; the line in the sand. He tried one last attempt, his hand reaching out, as if trying to grasp at an invisible rope. 'If I survive, I promise I will be true to myself.' Will thought to himself as he started to black out, body going limp. He felt like laughing, what a way to go. And with that, he fell into the blackness of Death's embrace.

Hannibal swam upward, a hand grasping at deep waters with a jaw lowered in means to soak in all the cold air he could manage into his aching lungs. There was no sign of Will, not yet and Hannibal felt the tinge of remorse that did not break onto his gleaming, wet face. The man dove back under the waters surface, paddling deeper into the oceanic blue. Hands clawed the way whilst bubbles evaporated from nostrils, what little Hannibal could see was Will sinking in the ruins and the further that he swam had been the harder to reach him.

Eventually, half way down, Hannibal had grabbed ahold of the younger man who had appeared lifeless but there wasn't a way that he would follow through with losing him just yet. Will swore he could see a light ahead, he shivered from being cold and wet as he padded toward it. He went slowly and cautiously, rubbing at his arms as his shoes made squelching noises. Was heaven actually real? He thought to himself, a look of amusement on his face. And if it was, why was he being let in? He had almost reached it until a roaring noise came from behind him, turning, he opened his mouth to shout out as two hands yanked him back the way he had come.

It took a strength unimaginable to attempt in bringing Will onto the rocks above water, raspy chords producing a shallow breath with each inhale. There was pain worth the suffering, Hannibal refused to let go until the safety of the ground above. Once there, Lecter would perform CPR to resuscitate him. Wills' eyes flew open and he coughed up what felt like half of the sea. The roaring echoed around them, he now knew it had been the sea making all of the rockus. He laid on his side retching and gapsing, his whole body hurt, inside and out and he could taste blood and salt.

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