Going Home

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Your POV

I sat on my bed on my phone. It was late, but I decided I wasn't tired and carried on with what I was doing. You got a message on Facebook from Yuri and shoot up in excitement. I quickly opened Messenger and read it.

[Yuuri, you]

Y/n guess what.

What!? Tell me!

Alright, calm down.

Not til you tell me! You're so mean, Yuuri!


Damn it, Yuuri!

Alright, jeez. You'll love me for this I swear. I'm coming home tomorrow.

I got really excited and accidentally let out a small squeal. I cover my mouth quickly and reply, thumbs moving faster than ever.


Haha, I know. I've missed you too. I'll be home around 3:30pm tomorrow so you can come pick me up if you want. Also, I have another surprise.

Whhhhhhaaaaaatttttttt?! I hate surprises can you just tell me now?

Fiiiinnnnneeee, only cuz I miss ya. You still a fan of Yuri Plisetsky?

I look around my room and laugh slightly at all of the posters I have of him. I know he's skating for Russia, but it's hard not to be a huge fan with his beautifully he skates.

Yes, why?

Well, I expect that you'll get along then.

I think about what he said for a moment then realises what he means.

Wait, so you mean, Yuri's coming to Japan? Yuri Plisetsky?

The one and only.

Yuuri, you are THE best. But, why would he want to come here?

He's following Viktor.

Viktor Nikiforov!? He's coming here!?

Did you not hear?

Hear what?

Guess not then. He's my boyfriend.

I think hard for a moment. Yuri had always acted gay, but I didn't think he actually was. And I didn't think Viktor was either. Wait, how does he even know him?? And how long has he known him? I didn't dislike it, but I most certainly didn't expect it.

Wow, Yuuri, that's great!

Thanks, glad your ok with it.

We talked for a while, then he asked me a question.

How have you been without me? Did you do anything while I was gone?

I didn't reply for a while, I was just so scared for him to find out, but I couldn't lie. He wouldn't ever trust me again.

Yuuri, while you were gone everything got worse. I started getting bullied more, and I kept injuring myself during skating, so I quit.

Y/n, no! You can't be serious!

Bout everything.


I'm sorry, Yuuri. I have managed not to hurt myself for a good few weeks now.

That's not good enough! You shouldn't need to hurt yourself at all! You're amazing, you're my sister! You can't do this to me!

Yuri POV

I was holding back tears, my little sister was hurting herself and I wasn't there to stop her or make her feel better. Viktor looked over to me.

"What's wrong, Yuuri?"

"N-nothing..." I said, looking away.

Yurio came up behind me and took my phone out of my hands, reading the texts between me and y/n.

"Yuuri, is this your sister?" I nodded, the fact that they were there calmed me down a bit.

Yurio handed it to Viktor, who in turn read it and hugged me tight. I hugged him back and cried lightly into his shoulder. He was warm and comforting as he stroked my head he whispered lightly into my ear. Yurio stood there silently, he never was good at comforting people.

"I'll rebook the flight. I can make it so we leave in an hour, but it's late as it is in Japan and your sister may not be awake when you get back. The flight is around 7 hours, so it's 4:45pm now, add 13 hours makes it... An average time of 5:45am Japanese time." Viktor said, loosening his grip on me, giving me the option to leave the guy but I didn't. I hugged him tighter.

"Thank you, Viktor." I said, burying my head into his chest.

"Anything for you, Yuuri." Yurio gets the memo and leaves there room, slightly grossed out by the thought of what would happen next.

"Yurio is gone." Viktor said, lifting up my chin.

"Good." I say, kissing him. His lips were soft and warm, like always.

Your POV

I finally decide to text Yuuri back, he has the right to know.

Hey, sorry for taking a while. You can probably understand why. (You were crying hard and nearly fell asleep but stayed up to talk to your brother)

A while went on and Yuuri didn't reply. I decided to call it a night and turned over. Just as I started to fall asleep, my phone buzzed again. I shot up, and quickly unlocked my phone and read Yuuri's text.

Y/n, I've had my flight rescheduled so I'm coming home slightly early. I'll be there at about 5-6 am, so you don't have to come and meet me at the airport.

I frantically typed back. There was no way I was gonna not go. I missed him way too much.

No way! I'm going, no matter how much sleep I get.

Ok, but don't wear yourself out. You're coming to the rink tomorrow, and I want you to skate with us.

I'll go to sleep now and set an alarm. It's 11:35 now.

Ok, just get some sleep. See ya tomorrow

Bye Yuuri

I set an alarm and quickly fell asleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a good day.

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