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Shipment was prevalent in the country of Chikara, namely in the national capital of Shukka, internationally popular for its massive shipment empire, harbor, and marketplace. Chikara was, you could say, quite a friendly country, having minimal tariffs and nurturing smaller countries into greatness, and is known for being strong allies to the other large countries of the world. This country was seemingly perfect, and for good reason...their workers were all efficient and happy with their job, the economy was clean and fair, and the government was rarely in a disorder of any sort. In fact, it was considered an honor to be chosen to work in the shipment industry, as the pay is good and the work isn't all too hard, except lumbering the goods onto the ships and sailing them safely to the markets of neighbouring and far away countries...lately, though, problems have arisen amongst the industry...namely with the country of Fuguai, a seclusive, isolationist giant with possibly the strongest military in the world. They've been sabotaging Chikarian ships that planned to land in their port of Kribirsk, planting explosives inside of them and quickly fleeing the scene...Chikara, of course, is too "kind" for accusations, but is suspicious of Fuguai, readying a fleet to enter their hemisphere at any time they might declare war.

Contrasting to the subject of war, let us now zoom in on the life of an average trade and shipment worker, by the name of Nida Alhashd, a long-time Chikarian citizen, who originally came to the country as a legal immigrant...his wife recently passed due to being exposed to foreign disease, and he struggled with providing for his three children, Toso, Kokai, and Nikko. Kokai was the eldest sister of the family, who was incredibly quiet and skinny...she rarely ate, and suffered from depression due to the death of her mother. Toso was the youngest, a bright-hearted young soul who constantly tried to maintain a positive attitude, as to keep the house happy...this, sadly, left her very gullible and subject to bullying and the like. Nikko was the man of the house while their father was gone, a strong, silent boy two years younger than Kokai, who loved video games...he was actually rather smart, and got good grades at school...this was the distraught family of Nida Alhashd. Now, enough exposition...on to the story.

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