Chapter 2

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"Oy, Nida, you slackin' on the job, friend! Snap outta it!"

Exclaimed Ralphie, Nida's friend and fellow worker. The man gave Nida a push to wake him up from his nap.

"Huh...wah...? Oh crap...Ralphie, you can't tell the boss! H-He'll know I've been slacking, and if that happens, I'll get fired, and if that hap--"

Ralphie's boisterous laugh left his bearded lips as he heard Nida spout nonsense. A sheepish smile spread across Nida's visage as he, too, laughed with his co-worker.

"Nida, ya can't be thinking of the worst outcome! Do ya really think I'd tell the boss! Hell, I've fallen asleep at times, too! Ha!"

Nida replied, "Yeah, I guess I am bein' a bit ridiculous...haha. Thanks, Ralph. You're an awesome pal, y'know?" As the man spoke, he eyed two suspicious men heading below-deck. They were garbed in the regular Dolphin Delivery uniform, but Nida had never seen them before.

"Hey, uh, Ralph, I'm gonna go below-deck for a sec."

Without waiting for Ralph's reply, the man power-walked to the stairs leading below-deck, to find that the door going down had been locked. 

OK, he thought. They're up to something, and I have to stop them...crap, this is makin' me nervous!

Mind racing, Nida grabbed a nearby hatchet, prying the door open and rushing in, tackling down whoever was in there with no regards. And, of course, his hunch was correct. Looking at who he had tackled, he looked to their right hand and saw a time bomb, which hadn't been set yet. In the other guy's hand was a machine gun, which Nida quickly confiscated. 

"You two are scum, y'know that? Huff..."

Out of breath, Nida called in the rest of his coworkers, getting one of them to call the police, who, half an hour later, sped over on helicopters to seize the terrorists.

Nida was hailed as a hero by his fellow workers, as well as his boss.


Upon Nikko's entering Grumble Grocer, a man could be heard bellowing, "Everyone, get on the ground, and do NOT move an inch, or I'll pump some lead through your skull!"

Panicking, Nikko, paper still clasped in a shaky hand, dropped to the ground like a rock, arms flat against the cold, un-cleaned floor.

"Good, now stay that way! You, cashier! Hand me all the money you guys got! And don't screw me outta any of it!"

Hesitantly, the frightened cashier began handing the robber stacks of money, filling his crummy bag. As this was occurring, Nikko took this time to analyze the situation. There was only one robber, and a thug such as him wouldn't have any of his men hidden...this could work out nicely. In the blink of an eye, Nikko reached a shaky arm over to the shelf he was next to, nabbing a bag of chips. This was, of course, part of his plan.

As the satisfied, troubled robber began to make his way out the back quickly, Nikko slid the chip bag so precisely that it ended up under where the robber would step next, causing him to pop it, slip, and fall. Acting quickly, Nikko shot up, next grabbing a cane from the isle the robber was in, smacking him across the head with it and knocking him out cold on the floor.

"Scum." Was the only word that escaped Nikko's heavily-breathing lips.

The shoppers cheered at the bravery displayed by this boy, calling the police and putting the robber where he belonged: in prison. Shortly after these events occurred, Nikko was transported home by the police force of Shukka. A conversation the evidently dumb police officers were partaking in intrigued Nikko.

"So, uh, you hear about those terrorists that got caught just a few hours ago?"

"Uh...yeah. Pretty scary, I bet. 'Least they got caught before they could do anythin'. The worker who caught 'im must feel real special. What was his name again?"

"Nida Rahsas...I can't pronounce 'is last name, but yeh. Nida."

With that, Nikko's eyes widened. His father had thwarted some terrorists? And he'd stopped a robbery? The Alhashd family had two heroes! As the police vehicle pulled into his driveway, he spotted his father entering the home as well, as he was laid off for the day.

"Dad!" exclaimed Nikko, rushing out of the car and hugging him. "I stopped a robbery!"


Nida's cobalt hues widened at the mention of his son's heroism, clapping a hand to the boy's back and smiling.

"You're awesome, son. Your dad stopped some bad guys today, too!"

Nikko nodded knowingly at him, hands now slack at his sides.

"I know, the police who drove me home were talking about it. You're awesome, dad!"

Hearing that coming from his son felt great, prompting a hearty grin to spread across Nida's visage. 

"Well, son, let's go in and play some Oiram together! Just you and me!"


The room was dark, lit only by two lime-hued candles that smelt of mint.

"Boss...some tough guy is ruinin' our plans. We gotta get rid of 'em."

The "Boss" produced a cigarette from his breastpocket, lighting it with an old lighter and placing it in his mouth, moments later removing it and quietly blowing a puff of smoke.

"Very well. I'll leave him to you, Wallace. Get tha job done, and get that punk outta here."



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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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