Chapter 15: Juno's POV

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I set off in the direction of the throne room, but it was impossible to concentrate when my mind wandered to Eric.

The kiss was like an explosion inside my body. I felt like dying, but in a good way.

As my mind continued to drift off, I didn't notice the wall right in front of me, and I crashed into it face first.


I immediately checked my nose, but it wasn't bleeding, thank goodness. My mask would get soaked with blood. I hated blood.

I shook my head and continued down the long, dark hallway. When I saw a small torch, I followed the light. I stepped into a huge, torchlit room, where a huge, spiked throne stood.

A bald man with skin like extremely dirty paper stood by the window. I saw his backside. He wore black robes with a silver rope tied around the waist.

"Excuse me, Dark Leader?" I asked tentatively. He turned around, and I stood, petrified.

When I saw a glimpse of his face for the first time, I saw things.

My worst nightmares. Eric was dead. The Dark Leader had won the war. Everyone was dead. The battlefields were littered with people. Sick, hurt, crying. Earth was overrun with Dark Soldiers.


A voice jarred me out of my fears and I shook my head.

The Dark Leader faced me. I got my first good look at him.

His face was hideous. His eyes were black and green, like a cat. His pupils were thin, like a snake's. His nose was pointed, but his nostrils were snaky slits. His lipless mouth curved into a horrendous smile. His teeth were sharp and dirty. He was overall a disgusting creature.

Around his neck hung the necklace. It had a golden chain with a long, thin pendant. It was simple, but I could tell it radiated major power.

The Light Leader's necklace.

"Iris, how wonderful to see you again," the Dark Leader said, his voice raspy, like metal grating against a blackboard.

"Yes, Dark Leader. I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about the necklace," I said, trying not to scream.

"Well, you know the story. I stole it from the dreaded Light Leader," he told me.

"Ah," I replied, slowly inching towards him.

"No need to be so formal. Come closer and talk properly," the disgusting creature laughed. I inched closer to him, not taking my eyes off the necklace.

"Well, I must say, that necklace looks good on you, my Lord," I lied.

"Thank you, Iris. I agree. Do you think it would look good on you?" The Leader of Darkness asked me.

Now is my chance, I thought.

"Absolutely. Why don't I try it on?" I suggested. The Dark Leader laughed.

"Now, now, don't get too crazy. I know you just want to bring back that awful man. Bane, was it?" He asked lazily.

"No. It was Ben, you monster!" I was getting angry. I fought back the urge to attack him.

"Woah, there, I suppose you still haven't gotten over him," The Dark Leader casually responded.

"You know, if you're not careful, I could kill you," he finished. "Watch carefully." A male soldier came into the room. He carried a tray of wine.

"Come here," the evil man said, and gestured to him. When the soldier reached the Dark Leader, he bowed.

The Dark Leader waved a hand and the man flew backwards into the wall. He lay there, still. Then the Leader waved his hand again and the soldier dissipated into black mist.

"I could do that to you, Iris, but I choose not to," the Leader said, looking at me carefully.

"Iris, have you changed? You look... Different,"he said, studying my face.

"Oh... I got... Um... A... I got a makeover..." My voice drifted off. The Dark Leader glared at me.

He asked, with his hand raised, ready to kill, "Are you sure you're really Iris?"

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