Chapter 9

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The twins spent a good sized portion of their break catching up with Fuyumi. When their father came back with Shoto they decided to let Fuyumi go back to her house so she can explain the situation to her father in a way that won't end up with him setting fire to everything in a very angry manner.

Once she says her goodbyes, giving her brother an extra big hug, she leaves the office and then the campus. The brother's smile and look to their cousin. "Well Shoto I know you will be deeply saddened, but you will have to stay here with our dad while Gakushu and I go back to our classes. Will you be okay here?"

A nod from the 5-year-old is all they need to be able to go back to their classes. As the brothers start to leave the young boy starts to whimper and cling onto Karma's cardigan sleeve. "Shoto what is it? I thought you said you would be fine if we left."

He looks up at the redhead, tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm sorry. After everything that's happened I'm just not ready to be by myself. Please don't leave me."

Karma looks down at the young kid with a smile. "Shoto as much as I would love to stay here with you, I can't. I have to go back to my class. I'm sorry buddy."

Gakuho looks at his son. "Karma Don't worry about your classes. I'll call Karasuma and let him know of the family emergency. You just go home for the day and take Shoto with you to get him settled in. Gakushu, you on the other hand go back to class."

Both of them bow. "Yes sir." As both of them start to leave Karma looks to his brother. "Hey whatever it is you needed to tell me, you can tell me tonight when we all have dinner. I'll see you later bro."

The three part ways, one going to class and the other two going home. Once Karma and Shoto get home, they take off their shoes and both of them sit down on the couch. Karma picks up the remote and turns on the TV and Shoto just curls up next to him, although he's still a little tense.

Karma smiles and ruffles up the child's hair. "Don't worry Shoto, you're safe now. You can relax no need to be tense. I won't let any harm come to you."

Shoto lets out a sigh of relief and immediately curls up even more into Karma. "Thank you so much Karma. I've just been so stressed over this whole incident."

Karma gives a glance down to his cousin. "Hey Shoto what's the full story here? I heard that your mom poured boiling water over the left side of your face, but I don't know why she did it."

The young child looks down. "She thought my left side was unsightly. She was on the phone with grandma the night before and she was telling grandma that my left side was unsightly and she could no longer raise me. I called out to her and she snapped and poured the water on me. It's all my dad's fault though, he abused her and me until the point of her sanity snapping. My dad took her to the mental hospital this morning."

The boy continued to cry and sob into Karma's chest. Karma realizes just how horrible his cousin's home life is. "Oh Shoto I did not realize that things at home were that bad for you. It'll be okay I promise." He continues to comfort the young boy until said boy cries himself to sleep.

Meanwhile, Fuyumi is just getting back to the Todoroki house where her father is in an outrage. "Fuyumi where is Shoto? Why is he not here?"

Fuyumi carefully puts a hand on his shoulder. "Father please relax. After what happened to him with mother last night I decided to take him and let him spend a few days at aunt Kaori's with Karma and Inori. I knew you would be outraged with what mother did and I felt you would take it out on Shoto so I took him there for his safety and your sanity. Just imagine what you would have done to him if I allowed him to stay here with you in the state you are in right now. I didn't want him to be hurt any more than he already is."

Enji Todoroki sighs and relaxes onto the couch. "You are right Fuyumi, I'm sorry about my outbreak and for being such a bad father to you and your brother's. Shoto deserves a small break from the madness going on here. Thank you for taking care of your younger brother and being so nice to him. He deserves better than what I can give him. It's no wonder you four all hate me. I'm supposed to be the #2 hero and yet I can't even raise my kids correctly. My youngest child doesn't even want to be around me because I try to push him to become a hero, and my wife has gone insane from what I've done to her. I don't deserve the title of hero."

Fuyumi puts a hand on her father's shoulder. "That's not true at all father, you've done a fine job of raising us. Now as for Shoto hating you, it's understandable. You treat him as if he's a pawn and not your youngest son. You're forcing a lot out of him at such a young age, he's only five for crying out loud. As for mom, you forced her into a quirk marriage to try and create a perfect balance between your two quirks, aka Shoto, you were really harsh on her for wanting to protect Shoto when you were too harsh on him. Do you understand now father?"

The number two hero sighs. Of course I understand, but Shoto must understand that is my way of protecting him. He is ultimately my successor and it is his duty to defeat All Might and become number one. He can not complete that if he refuses to do his training."

Fuyumi smiles. "I know you want him to dethrone All Might, but Shoto is just a kid. Take it easy on him for a few years and then start training him harder when he is a little older. Doing it this way will give him some time to be a kid and time to train to become a hero. He'll be better off that way, trust me."

Enji wraps his only daughter in a hug. "Fuyumi thank you. I don't know what I would do without you."

Okay so I added in characters from My Hero Academia into the mix, who cares. I promise that it won't take up a huge portion of the story.

Animegan out!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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