Chapter 6

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"Gakushu, there really is no easy way to put this. Man, I wish your mother was the one telling you this and not me. Anyways, your mother isn't really a business woman who does all sorts of jobs with business partners. She is actually an assassin. She goes all over the world and takes down the world's most dangerous criminals. I'm sorry for not telling you before, but she didn't want you boys to know about it. But her job this time is a secret to even me. I'm sorry that I can't help you uncover the entire truth. Please don't get angry with any of us. Us, as parents, were just trying to keep you safe and out of danger. I think your brother would be able to handle himself if he were to get in a tight spot, you not so much. Although you are skilled in martial arts, you don't have the sadist attitude your brother has. I'm not trying to say he's better than you, because he's not, but maybe if I put you in his class you would get the proper training."

Gakushu glares at his father. "What do you mean? Get the proper training? What secret are you keeping from me about E-class, father?"

Gakuho sighs and looks to his son. "Well, I guess I can't keep it from you any longer. Although what I am about to tell you, is highly classified and you must sign a bunch of paperwork if you are to know this secret." Gakushu rolls his eyes. "Now the secret of E-class. I bet you've heard the rumors of the E-class's octopus. Well, the rumors aren't that far off from the truth. Class 3-E, their teacher is a yellow octopus who has a speed of Mach 20, that they've dubbed Koro-sensei. It is their job to assassinate him by next March. He's also the one who blew up 70% of the moon. So you can see why this needs to be kept a secret. Tomorrow I will let you observe E-class if you want to see what kind of training they go through."

Gakushu can't believe what kind of nonsense his father was just sputtering about. "That's absurd. Why would they let a dangerous criminal like that teach them? Even if they all are delinquents and slow learners themselves, but they could get hurt or killed. Now about my mother being an assassin, that I can believe. I think that's where Karma gets his sadistic attitude from, being around mother when she's home. The thing about the octopus teacher though, that's just a lie. Even if it's not I can't believe you kept a secret from me and you are now lying to me."

Gakushu runs out of the office and out of the house, away from his father and family. He is running in a blind rage so much that he doesn't even know where he's running until he's almost to the school. He heads towards the school and then decides to go up onto the mountain instead since no one will think to look for him there. About halfway up the mountain he is out of breath and decides to take a breather. Once he is finished catching his breath he goes up the rest of the mountain to the old campus.

He realizes that this is where his brother is forced to learn and wants to see what the conditions were like inside. He rushes into the building and into the classroom with the sign that says 3-E. He opens to door and runs into the room into the back where he feels that his brother's seat would be and looks up for just a second to see a strange yellow octopus sitting up front in the teacher's chair. Gakushu suddenly becomes dizzy and falls into the desk he was next to. "K-ko." Was all he got out before he fell unconscious.

Gakushu's dream

Gakushu as well as his brother, Nagisa Shiota, and the rest of E-class were scaling up the mountain in strange gray military type outfits taking out guys left and right. Finally, they get to the top and head into the yellow force field. Inside they find their teacher sitting there by himself. "I thought that sounded like you."

Nagisa sighs. "Koro-sensei." 

"Koro-sensei" as they call he turns to look at them. "You've come so far, look at you." All of the students smile and run towards their teacher. 


Everyone cheers as Kayano awakens after having Koro-sensei fix her up with his speed and ability to gather her blood as she was stabbed. All of them watch as Koro-sensei falls to the ground. "Ugggghhhhhh I am exhausted." They all stare at him for a bit. Gakushu thinking about how he looked spent, but happy. "Come now. What kind of assassin lets their target linger indefinitely on the brink?"

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