Chapter 8

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The next day Karma gets up and starts getting ready for school. When he comes downstairs, breakfast is made, there's his favorite strawberry milk waiting for him along with a plate of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and rice. (I know it's in Japan but I don't know what type of stuff the Japanese would eat for breakfast)

His mother, sporting a black cardigan, a pleated skirt, and blue headphones. She also had a small book bag that probably contains anti-sensei weapons. (Now if you think that teachers don't carry book bags, you are wrong because my Chinese teacher uses a bookbag)  "Good morning sweet heart. Let's hurry up and eat our breakfast, that way we can make it to school on time. Well, more like you can make it to school on time and Higurashi sensei can get to work."

Karma laughs. "Well, you sure do look different. I can barely recognize you, although I think you should change into something a little more teacher like, right now you look like a student, not a teacher. Perhaps wear something a little more business casual. I'm sure Bitch-sensei has something you could wear. The cardigan does look nice though, I say keep it."

Kaori rolls her eyes. "Karma if I wanted fashion advice I would go to your brother or sister for it. You are the last person I would go to for fashion advice. But if you say so, I guess I could wear that outfit I bought in London a few months ago." She goes up and changes into a different outfit, the bottom is still plaid, but the top is a black off the shoulder top with a white bow on the left side, and of course, she is not wearing the cardigan. (she's wearing the image at the top in case you didn't realize it is the girl costume that Karma forces Nagisa into) 

Karma gives her the okay and they leave the house to head to school. He makes sure that he stays behind Kaori a few blocks so as to make it not look like they are going there together to avoid his classmates finding out that their new teacher is his mom. On his way to school, his phone vibrates indicating a text. Once he inspects his phone, he sees that it is from his brother.

 ''Good morning Karma. I am terribly sorry about last night, I feel awful. I just hope that you and mother, father, and Inori all forgive me for my rude actions from the previous night. Anyways can you meet me on the trail going up to the old campus during break? There is something that happened last night I feel I need to tell you about while I was unconscious. I'll see you then, love your brother.''

Karma rolls his eyes at his brother's very polite and proper way of texting. He sends back a very simple 'sure' and continues on his way to school. Once he gets there, Nagisa runs over to him as well as Isogai and Maehara. "Karma we're getting a new teacher today. I wonder what they're like?"

Karma smirks. "Oh come on guys, we all know that they are probably another assassin come here to kill Koro-sensei." All of his classmates agree and they all walk into the classroom. As Karma walks past the teacher's lounge he gets another text. This time it was from his cousin on his mother's side, Fuyumi Todoroki. (Yes I know this is a jumbled mess of so many different anime characters in one fanfiction) "Hello Karma, I know that we don't talk much considering that we pretty much live in different worlds. I just want you to know that my mother has been put into a mental hospital by my father because she poured boiling water over Shoto's left side. I feel it is unsafe for Shoto to stay here for a while and so I hope that your family would be able to take care of him for a while. Please let me know."

Karma's face suddenly changes from a smirk to a frown. Instead of going into the classroom he rushes into the teacher's lounge where his mom, as well as Mr. Karasuma and Ms. Irina, are. "Hey, can I borrow my mom for a second, this is really important." The two teacher's nod and get out of the room leaving the mother and son alone. "It's your sister. Fuyumi just texted me saying that Uncle Enji put her in a mental hospital. She apparently poured boiling water on Shoto's left side. Now Fuyumi thinks it is not safe for Shoto there and wants us to take him in."

Kaori gasps. "Of course we can do that. Text her now and let her know. She can drop him off at the main campus and your father can watch over him for the day while I am up here teaching."

Karma nods and immediately texts back his cousin saying that they would love to take care of Shoto for a little while and for her to drop him off at the Kunugigaoka Jr high main campus where his father works. She replys saying that she will bring him there during his break time. Karma tells his mom the news and then heads to class.

He sits down and waits for the last few students to get in their seats. Once that happens Koro-sensei starts his lesson. Math isn't until after break, so his mom can just hang in the teacher's lounge till then. Karma half pays attention to the lesson, his mind swimming with other things such as why his brother wants to talk to him and why his aunt would just harm her son like that.

Once break comes around instead of going to the tree he likes to sit in, he instead goes down the trail a bit to where his brother is. "Gakushu I really don't have time to stand here for a while. I have to go to the chairman's office, our cousin is bringing her brother here so he can stay with us for a while. Can we walk and talk or can we talk about it once we get there?"

Gakushu agrees and then quickly head towards the main campus. Anyone who sees the two of them that ask are told that Gakushu was asked to bring Karma to the main campus and to the office to be dismissed because of a family emergency at home.

Once they finally get to the office they quickly open the door and get inside. There is their cousin Fuyumi with her hand on the should of a young boy who's left side of his face is covered in bandages. That is Shoto, indefinitely.

Fuyumi looks relieved to see her cousins. "Karma, Gakushu it is so nice to see the both of you. It's been forever." She looks down at her brother. "Shoto this is Karma and Gakushu. Karma's the redhead and Gakushu is the strawberry blonde."

Karma smiles at the small boy. "Hi Shoto, I heard what happened."

Shoto looks back down at the ground. "Hi..."

Fuyumi sadly smiles at the small boy. "I'm sorry about him. The accident was quite bad. He's still a bit shook up about what happened. Which is why I am bringing him here for a while. I know after what happened our father is not going to let him off easy. He will probably train him until he is ready to pass out dead on the floor."

Shoto loo ks ready to cry as his sister explains everything to their cousins. Karma notices and wraps his arm around the small boy. "Fuyumi stop. He's already been through so much, I don't know how much more he can deal with listening to this."

Gakuho nods. "He is right Fuyumi, he's already had to live with it once, he shouldn't have to listen to the details of what happened. Why don't I take him on a walk and let the three of you catch up? I know you almost never get to see each other and it would be nice for you three to catch up and become close to each other."

The three teenagers agree and Fuyumi talks her brother to leave the room with their uncle. Once the two of them leave the room, Karma turns to his brother and his cousin with a smirk. "I don't know about the two of you but I think the old man is just trying to get us to catch up so he can spoil Shoto. Either that or so he can tutor him. I am getting the chills just thinking about having him as a tutor at Shoto's age. That is quite horrifying."

Gakushu laughs. "While you may think it is horrifying, I was the one who had to actually be taught by him at such a young age. While it was quite bad, it was the only way I knew how to live so I put up with it. Let's just hope that father is spoiling him. Oh yeah, I still have to tell you about what happened last night."

Karma looks at his strawberry blonde haired brother. "You can tell me later on the way home. For now, let's just catch up with Fuyumi."

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