Chapter 2

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Another 6 years later

"Come on Inori I have to get you to school so I can get to school. I'll be sure to tell Gakushu ototo that you say hi. First I have to drop you off though."

The small seven-year-old nods. "Yeah okay, onii-chan. Hey when you were my age did you and Gaku-nii get along together?"

Karma stops and thinks about it. "Well yeah we did. Although at the time we didn't know that we were brothers. We didn't find out till we were 9. Although I must say, back then it didn't matter that we didn't know because we were already the best of friends. I wouldn't talk to anyone but him, and while he was pretty popular he only spent time outside of school with me. Now come on lets get you to school."

They walk for another three minutes before they arrive at Kunugigaoka elementary. Inori turns around and hugs Karma's waist. "I love you onii-chan. Thank you for walking me to school every day. I know that you have better things to do other than watching your kid sister. Anyways you better get going so you aren't late. Bye onii-chan."

Karma smiles as his sister runs to the playground to play with her friends that also come early because of their older siblings. He turns around and starts walking towards his school Kunugigaoka jr high and sees Gakushu sitting outside with his four sidekicks as they call themselves the five virtuosos. When Gakushu sees his older brother come towards them, he instantly tells his lackeys to leave. "Don't worry about me boys. I'm just going to straighten out this E-class loser. "

Karma was in class 3-D, but the administration thought he was too much trouble so they sent him to E-class or End class. This class was for the people who couldn't keep up with the school's curriculum and are basically shunned by everyone else. Their classroom is the old campus on top of a mountain away from everyone on the main campus. Gakuho and Gakushu were not very happy with their decision, but to keep up appearances they pretend to hate Karma. The boy is so used to being hated and ignored it's like second nature to him. He does know that they are only pretending since no one knows about them being related, and he goes along with it.

Gakushu watches his friends leave, and sees only Ren Sakakibara stay behind and hiding behind a tree, hoping not to be seen.  "Hey, Akabane shouldn't you be climbing a mountain right about now? It's a long walk to the top. Of course, that sister of your's will probably climb it as well when she gets into junior high."

Gakushu smiles as he sees Ren walk from his hiding spot behind the tree into the main campus, probably to go find the others. "Hey, you shouldn't have said what you did about Inori. That's not right. She has your brains and my devilish good looks. Speaking of her she says hi, as always. Anyways do you think that is any way to treat your big brother?"

Gakushu scoffs. "Big brother my ass. We all know I was trying to get out of the womb and you pushed me backwards so you could get out first. Besides it is a 7-minute difference. Now tell me, has mom come back from her business trip?" Karma's shake of his head gives Gakushu a sad expression. "You know if it weren't for appearances I would allow you and Inori to come live with us while mom is away."

Karma laughs. "Well, I would probably then move in with you anyways. She is gone 99%  of the time. Besides I don't think Inori would like that all that much. She's a homebody and doesn't like being away from home, or me for the record. Now I should probably get going and make my way up the mountain for class." That and getting a chance at killing that octopus. Karma thinks.

As they go their separate ways Gakushu runs into a gawking Ren on his way into the building. "Wait am I hearing this right? You and the red head are twins? Does anyone else know? I'm sorry for eavesdropping on you guy's conversation, but Tomoya wanted me to. He was becoming suspicious of the two of you. I can see why you would want to keep it a secret from the world. Does your dad know about this?"

Gakushu sighs. "Yes Ren, we're twins. You are the first outside of our family to find out my dirty little secret, and I don't mind you knowing so long as you don't tell anybody. Just tell Tomoya that we were going off on each other. Any other questions."

Ren nods. "Just one more. Who is Inori? She must be important if Akabane chewed out on you for making fun of her."

Gakushu opens up her phone and shows him a picture. "Inori is mine and Karma's little half sister. She's my mom and her husband's kid and she lives with them and Karma. The picture was taken the first time I got to hold her, shortly after Karma and I found out we were twins. Now please keep this a secret. My father and I don't want anyone finding out about it, which is why during school hours we pretend that we are enemies."

Ren smiles. "Of course I'll keep it a secret. What kind of friend would I be if I told everyone my best friend's darkest secret? A bad one, that's what kind of friend. Also, I feel bad for you for having to bully him throughout the day for no reason other than him being in E-class." The strawberry-blonde smiles at his friend.

Back with Karma he had just reached the top of the mountain and spotted a familiar blue-haired boy. "Hey, Nagisa-kun morning."

The boy turned around. "Oh, morning Karma. How's Inori doing? She's still healthy and everything right?"

The red-head nods. "She's doing just fine. She hasn't had an attack in about a month so that's good. Anyways how are you this morning?"

Nagisa smiles. "Well, I am great. Although I did hear an interesting conversation between you and Asano on my way up the mountain. Is it true that the two of you are twins?"

Girl in the picture is Inori in case you haven't figured it out.

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