Chapter Eighteen

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The woman's name was Joan and her eyes had a faraway look as she told her story to Claire. She told Claire how Daniel had swept through the camp under the cover of darkness and rescued the people imprisoned there. She twiddled her thumbs nervously as she told how Daniel carried Claire out of the cage and accepted the carbine from Joan. Claire felt her own face grow hot as she listened to how Joan spoke of Daniel.
"Your friend is quite the companion to have," she remarked.
"He's a monster," Claire said spitefully, "he killed all of those innocent people."
Joan studied her face intently.
"Did the Magister tell you that?" She asked.
"No. He showed me," Claire answered.
"Oh..that explains quite a bit.." Joan said quietly before looking away.
"What do you mean?" Claire asked.
"The Magister showed you what he wanted you to see. I'm afraid you've been lied to," Joan explained.
"But how? I saw it with my own eyes, you can't make that up!" Claire protested.
Joan stood up and began to pace in front of Claire.
"What do you know of the Warriors?" Joan asked.
"That they wield some sort of magical control over technology," Claire answered, "what does that have to do with anything?"
"You're not exactly wrong, though it's not magic and it's not restricted to technology," Joan explained, "its more like control over energy. A very long time ago, an Imperium scientist discovered a sort of energy flowing throughout Aurora. He began to study it to find a way to harness it to power the Imperium'a cities."
Claire sat and watched Joan in curiosity. She had always just heard the Warriors had their own magic, she never heard it explained this way before.
"Eventually, he did." Joan continued, "He tuned his body to the same signature of the energy and was able to move and direct it at will. He could set the air on fire, generate electricity with his fingertips, and even shift his energy out of view, rendering himself invisible. But he couldn't handle the burden on his own. So he selected thirteen Imperium lieutenants and shared his own energy with them, easing his burden and creating the first Magister's. Decades would pass before the scientist finally died and the thirteen Magisters began to think of themselves as gods. They would break from the Imperium and seek out followers in the city of Alexandria. They would tune people to their own signatures of the energy to harness their forces. Soon, they had converted a substantial amount of people to their cause. They would select the next thirteen Magisters who then declared independence from the Steel Imperium and thus began the war."
Joan paused for breath but Claire wouldn't give her the chance.
"So what does this little history lesson have to do with the Reaper?" She asked.
"I'm getting there," Joan waved, "just hold on. While the Warriors of Technology would have you believe it is the Steel Imperium oppressing Aurorans, it's quite the opposite. The fought to free the Warriors."
"But they wanted to rule them," Claire objected.
"But it was the Magisters that ruled the Warriors. Once a person has accepted a Magister's 'gift,' the knowledge and energy you were given, they become slaves to the Magister," Joan countered, "conduits for the Magister to harvest energy. They are at the Magister's beck and call. They are their slaves. The Imperium fought to save them."
Claire's head swam as she processed what Joan told her. Was what she thought of Daniel really just the Magister's thoughts being transmitted to her? Was she really a slave to the Magister? Is that why the others are so compliant with the Magister?
"Wait," Claire said uncertainly, "what about what the Magister showed me? That the Imperium slaughtered innocents? That the Rea- that Daniel killed innocent people."
Joan shook her head sadly and sat next to Claire.
"That part," Joan said softly, "is true. The Imperium did do that and Daniel was at the front of it all. But they had no choice. The only way to save them was to kill the Magister but the Warrior's were powerless to their influences. They were brainwashed and forced into fighting the Steel Imperium when a Magister was in danger. They tried to reason with the Magisters but they wouldn't have it. The Imperium had no choice."
Claire stared blankly at her shoes. Her head was clear now and her thoughts were her own. But she still had so many questions for Joan and so little time.
"Why didn't he tell me?" Claire said softly to herself.
"Would you?" Joan asked bluntly.
Claire rested her head in her hands. She felt stupid for falling into the Magister's trap and cursed herself. She only believed Joan because she could think clearly instead of having words put into her mouth. A thought struck her and she looked up suddenly.
"So why have we broken free so easily?" Claire asked.
Joan smirked. "You didn't know?" She asked mischievously, "We're destined to become the next Magisters."

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