Chapter Seven

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Claire was standing out in the street with the other villagers while she waited eagerly for Daniel's return from her mothers room. "Is there really an Imperium soldier here," asked a person behind her in hushed tones. "Has the Steel Imperium returned?" Asked another.
"Did you say he came with Claire?"
"He's going to help with the Imperium's Revenge?"
"He just walked out of the forest with her?"
"Daniel? What kind of name is that?"
Suddenly the door swung open to the house and Daniel stepped out slowly. The villagers fell silent. They watched as Daniel gave instructions to Uncle who in turn closed the door behind Daniel and could be seen in the windows above tending to Claire's mother. Daniel stood awkwardly on the porch. He stepped down, rubbing his neck. His visor was tinted once more, obscuring his features. The moon above was full and cast long shadows as it shone bright upon the village. Daniel cleared his throat, making a villager jump when static came from his helmet. "I've left you more medicines and supplies. They are yours to keep," he announced, making some villagers gasp, "but listen! This plague, I've only heard stories about it and they've so far been confirmed. There is no cure for this disease. Not that I know of. What you've been thinking is a cure is only a painkiller." The villagers were in shock. "However," Daniel continued, "it is survivable. You know that. But even with the medicines I've left you, the chances are slim. They're better than before but they're still slim. And the lingering symptoms..I don't know if anything can be done about them. I'm sorry. I promise you, though, I will get to the bottom of this. I will find a better way to fight this plague and I will reverse the effects. I promise that when I do, I'll come back to you and help you all!" The village fell silent. And then clapping could be heard. All at once, the small crowd of surviving villagers erupted into applause and cheers, except for Claire who stood smiling. The villagers began to talk among themselves about their newfound savior. Claire approached Daniel and looked sadly up at him. "How is she," she asked quietly.
"I bought her some time," Daniel answered, "I'm sorry. I did all that I could for her."
"How much more time?" Claire's eyes were wide with hope.
Daniels heart ached. "I don't know," he answered solemnly, "maybe a month. If she's a fighter then maybe two. She might be past the point of the plague passing over her but I don't know. I'll do the best I can to find her help. I promise." Claire looked down at the ground and Daniel stood awkwardly. "I'm-" he began to say something but he was cut off. Claire suddenly jumped up and hugged him tightly, making him take a step back. "Thank you!" She cried out, still holding on tight. Daniel patted her on the back and she released him, wiping a tear from her eyes. "Anytime," Daniel finally said, "now help me distribute the medicine to these folks."

Cure for a NationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon