Careful in your Slumber

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It was the night of a full moon when my bad luck started. I was walking wearily home as my car broke down, from old age most likely, and I was stranded on a deserted road. 

I broke one of my heels, on a good pair of shoes. My only good pair of high heels I owned. I ended up taking my shoes off and walking barefoot on the side of the road. My feet where cut and scratched and it was painful to walk, thankfully I didn't have work on the weekends. Shivers ran up my spine, I rubbed my shoulder and breathed out a puff of air, it was getting chilly as I continued to walk.

I had a few miles to walk and it seemed everything around me was silent, no cars passed in the last half hour I walked.

I swear at some point I heard a howl in the distance, but as I was tired and weary I didn't take much notice of it. I reached the outskirts of my small town about two hours from my broken down car. I sighed in relief when the first building came into view.

I walked through the empty street, no lights where on, just an eerie silence and a light fog came down. I walked until I reached a small cafe, the door had a small 'closed' sign hanging on it. I walked around back and opened the door with my keys, the keys jingling where loud in the silence.

I closed the door and locked it behind me, walking up the stairs in the back of the room, took me to a small apartment, which I rented out. I placed my broken shoes in the trash bin, and sighed, picking up my feet I noticed my feet left bloody footprints.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed a first aid kit out of the cupboard, opening it I took out some disinfectant and washed my feet then applied it.

Sighing in relief when I finished bandaging my feet and lying on my bed. I groaned as I looked at the clock, it flashed 2 a.m. My brown hair was messy as I got back up and cleaned up the almost dry blood on the floor.

I awkwardly limped to the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing leftover chicken salad from the day before and ate it as I walked back to my bed, I looked towards the window and saw a shadow passed by but I shrugged it off as I put the empty container on the night stand and curled up on the bed.

It felt as though someone was with me, but being so tired I fell asleep instantly. If I wasn't so tired, I would have noticed the random bouquet of flowers that was sitting at the end of my bed, which wasn't there when I had first laid on my bed.


I blinked my eyes open and moved my hand to rub back my messy hair. But a cold metallic clank rang through the room, and I felt metal press into my wrist. I bolted up to find myself in a strange room.

I woke up to find that I had been kidnapped and handcuffed to a bed post.

Struggling and panicking, I screamed and shouted for what feels like ages when the door creaked opened, to find a dark silhouette of a man. 

"Who are you?" I croaked, my voice sore from the screaming. He took a step towards me, my fear and my panic faded away as a burst of anger came out.

" WHAT THE HELL DOM! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed at him. He frowned and ran his hand through his messy hair.

"Angel, please calm down."

"CALM DOWN?" I Angrily shouted, "YOU KIDNAPPED ME! AFTER EVERYTHING, you think I will come back to you?" My voice dwindling at the end to a cold voice.

"Angel please, I need you."

"Yea sure. Tell me that after you left me for a whore."

"Angel, I swear I didn't go with her on purpose, she drugged me."

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