Special chapter

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Damian's pov 

Me and Raven left the Tower for a while. Why didn't she tell anyone about this? Guess this is a subject she doesn't wanna talk. Malchior...  That bastard... If he hurts her again I'll kill him. Kinda glad she ditched him because he will no longer be pain in her ass. And besides I get the chance to date one of the most beautiful, brave and understanding girl I've ever known. When we were in the city I looked at Raven for a minute. She seemed pretty upset about that guy. Then I asked her:

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Wha... Yeah I'm fine."

You're not fine... I know you're lying.

"If there's something bothering you you can always talk to me.... I mean us...the Titans."

"Thanks"- she smiled sadly. 

Then I said to her:

"I have planned to bring us somewhere special"

" Really? Where are we going?"

"If I tell you it won't be a surprice. Now close your eyes"

"Damian I need to watch where I'm going. What if I accidently fall?"

"I'll guide you. Just trust me."


And she did. Then I we walked around the town while i guided her. Then we arrived at the special place.

"Um Damian? Can I open my eyes? "

"Not yet."

When we arrived to our special spot:

"Ok you can open them now"

"D-Damian... It's beautiful."

Raven's pov

We were it the park on our spot next to a lake. There was a blanket with candles, a backet with food and wine.  We sat on the blanket and then he said :

" Happy aniversarry beloved."

"Oh my god... You didn't forget. "

We sat in sielence for a while. After we finished our food he put some disk on some casetophone and it started playing music on which we both danced.

Those were nice 5 minute dancing. Then we layed on the blanket watching the stars for a while. I felt like it was only him and me and no one to disturb us. Then we got up and I saw him taking out of his pocket some box. Then he said:

" Raven, you are one of the most beautiful and honest girls in my life. You are the light always draging me out of the darkness, the most beautiful and rare sight for my eyes. I have been keeping this as a secret for 2 years and now I'm gonna say it right here. Raven Rachel Roth will you make me the most happy man in the world ?"

 Raven Rachel Roth will you make me the most happy man in the world ?"

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" Oh my God... I don't know what to say... Yes!"

Then we kissed and headed back to the tower. Then we headed to my room and kissed until we landed on my bed. He takes off his shirt and I do the same. When we got undressed I said:

"I love you Boy Blunder"

"I love you too witch girl"

And then we had a good night.

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