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A/N: to put this simple Frisk was doing a genocide run and realized she didn't wanted to, so she just hit the reset button dragging Chara with her and that's how she is now alive (yes the two are girls), you have a magic machete and it has the ability to heat up the blade causing more pain because magic.

Y/n a 15 years old boy who is abused by his parents, he used to have a little sister who one day got away, or did she? Anyway In the school everyone make fun of him everyday also there is a group of bullies in the school and they love mess with Y/n and because of all that he cut himself not enough to die, then one day when he was walking home he encountered his bullies and they beat him pretty bad but when one of them bring up a pocket knife he cut his right eye causing that now his eye change from (e/c) to red and with that something snapped inside of Y/n now he was full of hatred and anger, with that he took the pocket knife and stab one bullie with it right in the heart killing him, the other two ran scared of him meanwhile they are calling the police seeing that he began to run to a particular mountain: Mt. Ebott, he ran being chased by the police till he reach the top stopping by the sight of a hole in the top, turning around he see the police getting closer to him, and he make a choice, smiling he jump into the hole and he get lost in the darkness.

A/N: hey so now this is edited and now is less crappy, I probably will publish another chapter today or tomorrow.

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