1. Meeting Mark (skip to 7:28 on video)

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Dan's POV

I go down the hall and turn left, and there are youtubers everywhere in the room, "Hey guys!" I say politely, and wave. They all say "Hey Dan!" at once, and in comes Mark. "Dan! How are you?" and hugs me, and I hug back. "Doing good. How about you?" I says with a smile. "I'm great! Should we start shooting everybody?" he turns to everyone. "Yeah!!" Everyone also says at once.
                  2 hours later...
We finally finished shooting for today. I grab my phone, and my bag and put my phone in it. I then realize everyone left before me. Mark then comes up behind me. "Oh, Dan you're here. I thought you would be gone by now, heh." I then turn back to see him. "Yeah, I guess I was too slow hehe.." I say with a slight chuckle. I finished grabbing my stuff, and head for the door, right when I open the door, I feel a tap on my shoulder and look back to see Mark. "Hey Dan, sorry if you're in a hurry or something, but uh, can I have your number? just cause?" "Oh, okay, sure." I grab a piece of paper and write my cell phone number down and give it to Mark. "Thanks!" he says with a smile. "No problem, man." Then I ask him "Oh and mark?" He looks back up at me. "Yeah?" "C-Can I have your phone number too? Also just cause?" "Oh sure." he writes his phone number down on a piece of paper and gives  to me. "Thanks, Mark. Text you tonight?" "Sure!" he says with a  smile and we say goodbye, and I drive back home.

                  10 minutes later..
It's 5:03pm. I'd better make dinner. I grab a tv dinner out of the freezer, and cook it in the microwave and eat it. I'm too lazy to make an ACTUAL dinner. :P Later, my phone dings. It's Mark!

Mark: Hey Dan :]

Dan: Hey Mark. What's up dude? ;]

Mark. Oh nothing. I just finished eating dinner. You?

Dan: Same lol

Mark: Cool! You busy tonight?

Dan: Nope. why?

Mark: Maybe we can hang out? Like the movies? Starbucks? 😛

Dan: That would be cool. What time?

Mark: 6-9 I guess?

Dan: Okay. What movie are we seeing? ;P

Mark: Oh idk. I heard the Wonder Woman movie is coming out. maybe that? :>

Dan: Sounds good! I should be at the movies by 6 for sure.

Mark: Awesome! Can't wait :D

Eeeeek! I can't wait! I'm going to go see Wonder Woman with THE Markiplier...!

Shit, I'm late. Of course. I quickly drive to the movie theatre. There's Mark sitting on the bench on his phone not noticing me. I go over to him, and sit down next to him. "Sorry I'm late, heh." I say looking at him. He looks up "Oh! Dan! Sorry, I didn't see you here. :P" "Its fine." I say. We pay for our ticket and food. And walk in the dark room.

About half way into the movie, Mark fell asleep on my shoulder. hehe, he sure looks kinda cute when he sleeps. I silently plant a small kiss on the top of his head. I think I....love him. I nudge him quietly and whisper "Mark, wake up, you're missing the movie!" He quickly looks up and rubs his eyes and whispers "Sorry!" "hehe its fine." And the rest of the evening we just hung out. We went out for Starbucks the day after.
                      8 months later...
I've had a small crush on Mark for the past 8 months now. He's just so perfect, and so cute. We just skateboarded a little in a parking lot with a whole lot of graffiti everywhere. And we just leaned against the wall and talked. And he put his arm around me, and I slightly blush. Mark looks and my flushed face, and says "Hehe you look cute when you blush..." I look up and see he's biting his lower lip, and his cheeks kinda red. "T-thanks...You too hehe." I say with a chuckle. He then grabs my shoulders and make me face him and we look straight into our eyes. "Dan...I have something to tell you..and you may hate me for this." His face kinda looks a little down. "What? I won't hate you. I'm sure I won't anyway. You can tell me." "Okay.." He begins by saying. "I'm bisexual, and um..." His eyes are slightly glazed now and a tear slowly falls down his cheek, and I put my hand on the side of his face and wipe away the tear with my thumb. He puts his hand on the back of my hand on the side of his face. "and..uh, I love you. Like, love-love.." I start to tear up a little but don't fully cry though. "Mark, to tell you the truth, I'm bisexual too..And I've had a tiny crush on you for the past 8 months I've known you..I love you too." He let's a slight sigh of relieve, and pulls me into a hug right away, and I hug back. He pulls me back, but then, we pull closer as our lips touch. And Mark quickly pulls back. "I'm, I'm sorry...." "No, no, no, its okay! I kinda liked it." He looks back at me. "Really?" "Heh, yeah." I say with a smile, and walk towards him, put both hands on the sides of his face, and before we know it, we're kissing for 5 minutes.


OMOMGOGMGKMGOGMOGMGOGMGOG THIS IS SO CUTEEEE IM FANGIRLING OVER MY OWN STORY!!! AND WOAH, 948 WORDS! That's insane. :P I hope you liked it so far, because I really enjoyed writing it! byeeeee ❤❤❤

❤ Dark ❤ (Markiplier x DanTDM)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें