Chapter 16

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"Today will be judgement day."

Misaki looked at the fast approaching island in the sky and felt dread, despite trying to reason with herself that once she gets through it, she can graduate.

After the whole fiasco with the government officials, they went about their lessons waiting for this very day – the final eclipse, against the kanji 'judgement', and the moment the students got through it, they can graduate from this hell.

All around her, her friends' faces were grim, and muscles tensed. She bit her lip, looking her at kanji by her wrist before taking a deep breath.

Then the sun was covered up.

There was a whirlwind, and when they got their bearings back, they saw a monster in front of them. It had the trunk of an elephant, beady eyes, and stood taller than the school.

It began to spoke. "I will take students to the depths of hell... for punishment."

He listed down the name of a student who Misaki didn't know. The student merely shrugged, accepting his fate.


Krishna walked forward, face grim. "I know."

"...and Rokudou Momiji."

The students gasped – Rokudou, the kindest boy in perhaps the whole school, meek and never even wanting to hurt a fly.

"It can't be!" Aira said.

At their surprise, the monster blinked. "Rokudou, the one who has caused countless deaths for your selfish wish... you deserve judgement."

Aira frowned, shaking her head and grabbing Rokudou's arm.

"It can't be!" she repeated. "There must be a mistake. Rokudou-kun is not like that!"

"Your heart!" Sanjuurou exclaimed abruptly, causing everyone to turn and stare at the left side of Rokudou's chest. "It's... Tomonaga's heart!"

Krishna tried to reason with the monster. "It was me who got that heart for him! Punish me, not Momiji-kun!"

"Silence," the monster said, opening its mouth. "The three of you shall face judgement."

There was a second whirlwind, and when it subsided, the three students are gone.

"Rokudou-kun...!" Aira whispered, wobbling in her shock.

Noa and Misaki quickly caught Aira by each arm, steadying her as she processed what happened a mere minute ago.

Uruma began to approach them, tearing a page out of his notebook. "Ah. I didn't take they will take Rokudou as well. What a shame."

Misaki's head snapped up, a scowl at her face upon hearing his voice.

But before anyone could even react to his words, there was a single gunshot in the air.

Sanjuurou's eyes widened, his hand flying to his chest.

His white shirt began to stain with red blood.

Misaki turned, looking in his direction just in time to see his once bright eyes turn dull and lifeless.

And then he fell to the ground headfirst with a thud.

Misaki's mind went blank.


Aira and Mino rushed forward, kneeling to the ground and shaking Sanjuurou, yelling at him to stop joking around and trying to rouse him.

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