Mama's Baby, Daddy's Maybe

Start from the beginning

Laurent attempted to go after her. But Larry stopped him and said,

"I'll go talk to her."

Laurent sat back down with a worrisome expression. Larry ran after Paula and yelled,

"Wait up!"

Paula stopped and turned around with an attitude.

"Paula, please don't go. We need to resolve this."
"Tell that to my father!" Paula yelled.

Just when Paula said that, Larry had an idea.

"Hey, how about if I take the test? We both have the same DNA. Laurent don't have to know I'm doing this." Larry proposed.
"I...don't know about this." Paula hesitatingly said.
"Don't you want to prove to Laurent that he is your father? This is the only way he can't deny it." Larry replied.
"Okay, let's go." Paula gave in.

Larry drove Paula to a local clinic. They nervously watched each other provide their sample of DNA. After they were done, Larry drove Paula back to their house. Laurent was sitting on the couch with his arms folded.

"Where you two been?" Laurent questioned.
"Oh...we uh...went to shopping." Larry stuttered.
"Yes, that's right." Paula added.
"Oh really? Then where are the shopping bags?" Laurent questioned.
"Oh, uh...went did online shopping. I had so much fun with uncle Larry. Thank you." Paula sweetly answered.

Laurent stood up from the couch and said,

"You two getting along? I thought you was still mad at me, Paula."
"Lau, I've had time to think about what you was saying. And I would like to take some time to get to know you. If that's alright with you. And if you want to have a father - daughter relationship with me, we can work on that." Paula replied.
"I'm with it." Laurent smiled and hugged Paula.

Paula smiled at Larry. Larry nodded his head. For the next few days, Larry and Laurent had so much fun with Paula. They went to the movies, shopping, water park , and a fashion show. Larry and Laurent treated Paula like celebrity. Whatever she wanted, Paula got it.

One afternoon, while Larry and Laurent was playing video games, there was a knock at the door. Laurent paused the game to answer the door. When he opened the door, Jessica smiled and said,

"Hello stranger."
"Ah damn." Laurent nervously replied.

Larry stood up from the couch and walked to Laurent; saying,

"My brother is everything alright?"
"Good to see you, Larry." Jessica kindly replied.
"Ah damn." Larry nervously said.
"May I come in?" Jessica asked.

Laurent and Larry steppes aside to let Jessica in. As Jessica walked in, she looked around and said,

"Nice place. Where's our daughter?"
"She's in school. How are you? Paula told me you was in the hospital." Laurent asked.
"I'm doing better thank you. I just have to let my arm finish healing."
"Glad to hear it." Larry added.
"Me too. We need to talk. Please have a seat." Laurent replied.

As Jessica attempted to sit down with one arm. Larry helped her bent down.

"Thanks Larry. Can I have some water?" Jessica asked.
"Sure." Larry replied and went into the kitchen.

Laurent paused for a moment sat next to Jessica.

"I'm not sure where to start. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around all this." Laurent said ; attempted to stay calm.

When Larry returned, he handed Jessica a glass of water and asked,

"Why didn't you tell Laurent he had a kid?"

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