Inheritance and Reunion

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Nobody's POV
    As the clock stuck midnight Harry felt immeasurable pain, and was writhing and thrashing in his bed. As this was happening his body was changing, and gaining new features. Right after he fell asleep his body was engulfed in a pale gold light, hiding any changes his inheritance had made to muggles. That morning Harry was woken up by pounding on his door with his uncle yelling at him to make breakfast. Harry hurried to get downstairs as to not make his uncle angry at him. As soon as Harry got downstairs he was cuffed over the head, and told to hurry to the kitchen. Harry went about making breakfast and right after it was done he got to work on the list of chores his uncle had given him. As Harry's uncle left for work his aunt Petunia said that she and Dudley were going to be gone for the day. Harry nodded and continued to work on his chores.

    Little did Harry know his life had changed irrevocably the night before, and he was in for a big surprise. After Harry had finished he went to wash up in the bathroom and promptly screamed, because he looked identical to Draco Malfoy. As he examined his new look he suddenly grabbed his head in pain, and memories new to him but old in age flooded his brain. Memories of him and Draco cuddling, the nicknames of Dragon and Wyvern, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy hugging him, fixing a scrape on his knee, holding him when he was crying, Snape reading potions books to him and Draco. He jumped in surprise as a letter literally popped up right next to him. The letter was made of thick parchment, and had a wax seal. Harry opened it and it read;

Dear Xavier Malfoy,
It has come to our attention that you have gone through the first stage of your inheritance. Since it appears you have been separated from your real family here is your birth certificate, and list of powers that come with your inheritance.

Birth Certificate;
Birth Father; Lucious Abraxas Malfoy
Birth Mother; Narcissa Black née Malfoy
Twin; Draco Lucious Malfoy(older by 10 minutes)

Godfather; Severus Tobias Snape
Godfather; Tom Marvolo Riddle(Gaunt)

Inheritance; Neko

Creature Speak
Animagus Transformation

Since you have been separated from your real family you need to come to Gringotts. This letter and envelope is a port key the activation phrase is 'The magic of family'.

Harry said the activation phrase and was immediately transported to the Malfoy Family Goblin, Ragnarok. He landed on his feet surprisingly, and then noticed all the eyes looking at him. He squeaked, but before he could do anything all of the Malfoy's went to him and hugged him. Then Draco exclaimed, "Xavier!! I've really missed you!!" Harry looked around at all of the crying Malfoys and started crying himself.

"I...I....can't....believe...t-that I have...a real......f-fam-family," Xavier said while sobbing and cuddling into his family.

After the reunion session they all got serious again, and apparated to Malfoy Manor. Then they sat on the couches in their den. Xavier and Draco were cuddling together on one couch with their parents on the other one. "Xavier," Lucious started ,"We need to know where you've been."

A/N Hey guys! I hope you like my first chapter. If you do, like or comment. If you didn't, leave a comment on what I need to fix!! I'll try to update every week, but no promises!!

(^ - ^) ~~~

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