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Alec Pov:

Luna is a liar. She does like Logan. I was probably just some joke to her. I'm so mad at her and Logan that I started boxing again. I can't stand how happy she looks with him. What is he doing that I couldn't do. I know I would do anything for Luna. She just needs to know that. I am walking down the hall when Lily comes up to me.

" Here. I don't want to seem rude when I say this, but please hurry up and win Luna over. She's miserable." she says.

" She doesn't look it."

" It's called faking. She's good at it because that's all she does. You actually make her happy."

She walks away leaving me in confusion. Does she really think that Luna is miserable or is Luna really miserable? I open the note.

I'm sorry about what happened at the shop Alec. The kiss was very special to me and I will never forget it for it was my first. Logan isn't a bad guy. He's actually really sweet. Many don't see it, but I do now. I hope you don't get mad. If you could meet me at the shop, I have something to give you.


I cannot believe what I just read. There has to be a mistake.


Luna's Pov:

" Hey baby." Logan says as he sits next to me at lunch.

" Hey."

" What's for lunch?"

" Apple and grapes." I reply giving him a kiss.

" Yummy. Oh, could you help me with homework tonight? I don't understand the assignment."

" Sure babe."

" You're the best."

Logan starts on his homework as he bites into his pizza. I continue with my reading, but am interrupted by someone tapping on my shoulder. I turn around to see Alec standing there.

" I need to speak with you."

" What the hell? Stay away from my girl." Logan says getting up.

" It's okay baby. This is strictly school related. Miss Ivy wanted us to write this report together." I say knowing he doesn't know this teacher.

" Okay. Five minutes and then you have to bring her back. I will come find you if you aren't back." he tells me and Alec.

" I'll be back." I reply giving him another kiss.

Alec and I start walking and get to a place where Logan cannot see us.

" Are you serious? You are actually with him?" Alec questions.

" Yes Alec. He's actually really sweet. You should give him a chance."

" No, he tried to hurt you remember. You are falling into his trap."

" You don't know all the things he has told me." I say defending Logan.

" Do you hear what is coming out of your mouth? They are all just lies. All of them! Every single word that comes from his mouth are lies to get you to fall for him."

" Alec, you are just jealous."

" MAYBE I AM! MAYBE I WANT TO BE WITH YOU!" he yells scaring me.

" It was a kiss Alec. Please, you need to let it go."

" Let it go? No it wasn't just the kiss Luna. It was your smile. Your laugh. Your eyes. The way you hugged me. Your trust in me. Your promise. I feel something for you. I can't explain it, but I can show you."

" Al-"

I am cut off from saying anything when I pulls me close to him and kisses me passionately. I feel fire between us.

" Alec-"

" You can't tell me you didn't feel something." he says.

" I have to go. I'm sorry."

He's right I did feel something, but he and I both know that I'm with Logan and he's just going to have to get over it. I walk back to the table to see Logan standing there waiting for me.

 " What did you two talk about?"

" The paper, baby. He was telling me how he could do the research because he had many resources on the topics. I'm going to type." I reply to him.

" Okay. He didn't say anything else?"

" Nope. I told him it was only school related talking and nothing else."

" Good girl. You get a prize later." he says whispering in my ear.

I shouldn't be lying to him, however I don't want Alec getting hurt.

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