Chapter Eleven: Welcome Back

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I sat in the tub for what felt like forever. I was crying..., sobbing, something I hadn't experienced in a long while. I was supposed to be happy.., overjoyed at being back. I figured there would be a celebration of some sort. Instead, I was sitting in the bath, crying while I soaked my recovering body.

"Headmistress?" The matron knocked.

"Yes?" I called back.

"I had a potion mixed that should help you gain your strength a bit faster. Would you like to try it?" She asked.

"Yes, please." I answered the best I could. The sooner I was better, the sooner I could get back to my old life and maybe..., just maybe, finally be happy to be back.

She cracked the door open and the potion came floating in. "Just poor two drops into your bath." She advised and closed the door. I plucked the vial out of the air and did as she said, staying the bath for long moments just to not have to face anyone.

When the bubbles disappeared and the water ran cold, I decided to get out. Wrapping myself in a towel, I walked out to find the bedchambers empty. I didn't know I would feel relieved until the fact that I was alone sunk in. I dressed slowly, my clothes a bit looser than before but not enough that I couldn't wear them. When I was dressed, I opened the door expecting to see everyone in the sitting area but Draco was the only one there with the children in their pram.

"I sent them away for now. I figured it would be a good idea if they gave you some time." He explained at my confused expression.

"Thank you, Draco." I grinned softly.

"Keep your hood up for privacy and take the forbidden corridors so you won't run into students." He advised.

"Already planned on it." I replied, walking to the pram. The twins were getting better at walking before I had gone into my coma. Assuming they had kept progressing, I would have had them walking if I had the time to take it slow. Since I didn't, a pram was the best approach. "Tell them all not to wait up."

"Get yourself some food while you're at. You need to start eating to get stronger." He hugged me. "I'm glad you're not dead."

"Thanks." I hugged him back. "At least I know someone, outside of my children, is happy that I'm not dead."

"They're happy too, they just did a rubbish job at your welcome back." He grinned.

"Thanks, Draco. I'll stay out of sight for now. See you later."

"Food. Find it and eat it." He commanded before I walked out.

"Got it." I replied over my shoulder, lifting my hood before going out of the room. "Come on, babies, let's find Mummy some food."

When I arrived in the kitchen, having avoiding detection. The house elves swarmed me. They were happy to see that I was back. The elf from earlier had said I was awake but saying it and actually seeing it seemed to be different. Before I could even get a chance to talk to them all, I was ushered to a seat with the children's pram right beside me. The elves took Lily and James out of the pram, leaving just Albus to be fed in his seat.

They spread out enormous amounts of food for me and watched as I ate some. Being out for nearly five months made me surprisingly ravenous but my stomach could only take so much. When I felt like I would pop, I apologized for not being able to finish the food and advised them to send it to the faculty members who would most likely be in their offices or about to be in between classes. They all nodded and went straight away, which gave me time to get Lily, James, and Albus together and slip out. I didn't know where I was going until I realized there was somebody I hadn't seen earlier in my bedchambers. Hagrid.

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