Chapter Five: A Spell For Our Troubles

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*This is unedited*

A block away from the shops, we found an inn with some openings. Harry took care of the bill and sent Ron and I ahead. They got a room ready for us that would accommodate us as a group. Up in the lovely room, I pulled out the book and some parchment and started reading.

It wasn't a large book but the information in the book was important if we hoped to get the spell we came for. I blocked out everything as I read and scribbled down notes. It wasn't until Harry set a cuppa next to me that I snapped out of it and realized I had read half the book. Looking up at him, he gave me a soft smile.

"Come on, love. We ordered food and you need to eat. You can finish this later. I'm sure you must be a bit peckish." He urged. I picked up the tea with a sigh and took a sip.

"Harry, if I get this done now, we can go out and get the spell before the day is over. I just need another hour or two and I'll be done." I told him. "Please. I'll finish this then I'll eat before we got get the spell." I bargained with him and he sighed.

"Fine but we don't leave until I'm satisfied that you've eaten enough. We can't afford for you to make yourself sick for this. We need you healthy." He kissed my hair and left me to my work. I loved how much he cared for me. It always put a smile on my face to see the love he felt for me through all of his actions.

Finishing off the cuppa, I dove back into the book. I read every line and footnote inside, noting every nuance I found. When I was two pages shy of being done, I felt the fatigue of so much reading starting to overwhelm me. Reading has always been a favorite thing of mine but reading when it was near studying could tire me out. The last two pages took me longer than I would usually take to read twenty pages but I finished and I organized my notes. I slid the notes into the book and closed it then laid my arms across the top of it. With a deep breath, I let my head fall onto my arms and rested there for a moment.

"Hermione?" Ron's voice came from somewhere behind me then I felt a hand touch my bad. I let out a soft noise in response and he rubbed my back. "Knackered?" He asked and I nodded with my head still down. "I figured you would be. So did Harry. He's called for the food and I told him I would bring you this." I heard the chatter of a tray with something on top of it being sat down beside me and finally raised my head. "I went and got some supplies and brewed this. Mum would make this during stressful times to help give us strength and energy. I'm hoping I made it quite like hers so it'll have the same effect."

"Hm, thanks, mate." I grinned up at him. "It means a lot that you'd go to the trouble."

"You and Harry are family and family is the most important thing in my life. I love you both." He said, squeezing my shoulder.

"And we love you too, Ron. Always and forever. We'll be mates until the end." Whenever that comes.

"Here." He handed me the tea. "Drink some. It'll give you enough energy to move to the dining area to eat." I gave him a soft smile and accepted the cup, taking a sip. The warm liquid slid down my throat and spread through my body. He grinned at me and left me with my tea. After a couple of minutes, I felt much less fatigued and was able to head to the dining area.

"Alright, love?" Harry asked as I walked in, stopping what he was doing. He had been at the table, preparing a plate for me. He came to where I stood and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm good. Once we eat, we can go." I grinned, rising up a little to kiss him softly. "Let's eat." I sat and began devouring everything he gave me. When all the food was gone, Harry grinned happily at me. "Happy?" I asked with a sarcastic grin.

"Yes." He answered easily. "You look much better after a good meal."

"We're losing daylight. Let's get to the next stop to get the spell." I immediately stood and went to grab the book with my notes and my bag. "Ron, do you have the box Ms. Lopkins gave you?" I asked to be sure and he pulled it out to show me he had it. "Brilliant. Let's be off." I said, waking out ahead of them.

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