Chapter Ten: Finally Awake

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I heard crying from all around and my eyes began to clear. Right above my face, the matron's face hovered.

"Hermione, can you hear me? Blink once for yes." I blinked. "Do you think you can talk?"

"Y-yes." I let out a soft whisper. "A-Al-Albus?" I asked, looking for my missing child while I clutched the twins to my chest.

"He's here too. You've got your hands full though so why don't we work on getting you up before we bring him over." The matron told me and I could still feel Harry crying on my shoulder.

I turned my head to him, "Don't cry. I'm up now." He continued to sob into my shoulder. "Can I..., can I sit up please?" I asked.

"Of course." The matron agreed. "We need to take the babies to do that." She told me as they pulled James and Lily away from me.

Harry stood from where he was kneeling and I assumed the sound I heard earlier was him falling to his knees. I saw a tearful Ron lean over me and he and Harry helped me sit up while the matron moved pillows to make me comfortable. The whole Weasley clan had somehow stuffed itself into the room along with Draco. So many people were crying.

"Water?" I asked.

"Of course." The family moved for a house-elf to come in with a pitcher of water. Even the house-elf was crying.

"Thank you." I whispered to her when she poured me some water. She nodded, her eyes pouring out tears. She looked so happy to look at me.

"Take it slow." The matron advised, checking me out as I drank. "You're going to be weak for a while until you get some real food in your system and some exercise in for your muscles."

"I'm okay, though?" I asked, clutching the water in both hands.

"Yes. The cuts healed over the first month and your body is essentially okay. There should be no scarring from the cuts. I believe the strain and blood loss was a bit much for you. Dying for about a minute didn't help either." She shrugged and I let out a rough chuckle.

"No, I wouldn't think it would." I gave her a soft grin.

Harry had moved himself to put his head in lap. "Your death is nothing to laugh about." He said fiercely.

I stroked his rough cheek. He had grown quite a beard since the last time I had seen him. "I'm alive, Harry. Choose to be happy about that instead of sulking about what could have been." He shook his head at me, a smile pulling on his lips, then he turned his face more into the covers.

"I've missed you so much." He murmured roughly. I heard a soft whine and looked up to see my twins fighting Dad who was holding them.

"Mummy!" They cried out.

"You can bring them to me now." I grinned, holding out my slightly weak arms. Harry sat up and held me around the waist gently. Dad happily sat them down on the bed and they made fast work on crawling up to Harry and I. "Hi, babies. Mummy missed you, so much." I pulled them into my body and kissed their faces. "Albus?" I looked back up as I held James and Lily.

"Right here." Draco, who had been partially behind some of the Weasley's, moved forward with my youngest son in his arms.

"Sit up for Mummy." I told James and Lily and they moved as I said so I could open my arms for their younger sibling. Having Albus in my arms made everything feel complete. My family was whole and I was awake after so long..., how long? "How long was I..., you know?"

"Almost five months." Ginny answered.

"Ginny, you look amazing." I grinned. She looked like herself and she looked like she was happy. That was all I wanted for her when I had done the ritual.

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