Chapter 10

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Alanna quickly got dressed at home once Tommy dropped her off.

She then drove quickly to The Hague getting there just as Tommy and Eva were walking in.

"Long time no see" Eva said with some laughter.

"Aye, unfortunately not long enough" Tommy said with a smirk.

Alanna was too busy to join in the conversation because she was trying to fix her scarf in order to hide her love bites from Tommy.

They three entered the main room to see Sebastian sitting at the main desk and staring at a screen that had Louis' face on it.

"What's the case?" Alanna asked.

"Kidnapping in Cannes" Louis said

"Victim is Maxim Marianski. His father is a Russian billionaire" Sebastian informed bringing up pictures of the crime scene onto the screen.

"Double tap are military tactic. Maybe a rogue Russian military not liking the rich and going after them?" Eva suggested

"Is it enough to make it cross border? Is it our case?" Tommy asked.

"The crime itself only occurred in France as far as we know" Louis said

"But we have a similar Florence case" Sebastian said, bringing up a case in Italy onto another screen.

"I remember that. Rich victim, blitz attacked on security. Double tap kills with 7 six two's." Eva said

"Profile of both crimes is similar to possibly be the same team" Alanna said.

"I'll call Dorn, in the meantime pack up your things we are all going to the South of France. Take the chopper and pick me up at the airport" Louis said before the screen went black.

"Wow, a man asking me to the south of France on a Saturday night? You would think that would sound sexier?" Eva joked making Alanna smile.

"Anne Marie and Hickman were already there, together" Sebastian informed getting a raised eyebrow out of everyone.

But who was Alanna to judge? She and Tommy were sneaking around as well.

Within the hour the team was on a chopper heading to Cannes. Sebastian had Hickman on the line.

"Hickman, if the parents are there, interview them together. Keep an eye out for any kind of antics. Sometimes these kidnappings, especially involving a rich kid, have something to do with family money." Alanna said into her earpiece.

"Will do, I have a feeling this family isn't going to be easy to deal with" Hickman said.

"Try your best, we'll be there in 20 minutes" Alanna said before cutting the line. They reached the club where the crime scene was at around 6 in the morning. Upon arriving they heard the mother shouting in anger and confusion. Anne Marie walked up to Tommy and Alanna while Eva, Sebastian, and Louis went to Hickman and the mother and father.

"There are four dead up on the first floor. Would you mind checking that out?" Anne Marie asked.

"Yeah sure, what's going on?" Alanna asked.

"Parents are not getting along right now when we need them to be" Anne Marie sighed.

"Alright, we'll be up there" Tommy said as Alanna followed him up the stairs. Upon reaching the first floor three body guards were lying in their own blood as well as a young girl.

"These wankers are efficient" Tommy said

"Four dead, 8 shots, clean, cold, and calculated" Alanna said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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