Chapter 6

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"Tommy's mood seems to be going up and down since Sienna passed" Eva said as Alanna changed in the bathroom. She wore a skin tight black and white dress that showed off her curvy figure. Alanna stood in front of the mirror and just stared at herself.

What happened in the last 10 minutes?

"Alanna?" Eva's voice asked, breaking her out of her trance.

"Uh-yeah I'm almost done" Alanna stammered out as she pulled out some red lipstick. A few minutes later she emerged to show Eva.

"bella!" Eva said with a beautiful grin making Alanna smile.

"Are you sure you'll be up for this?" Eva asked.

"yeah, I've done hundreds of undercover ops. This one will be a breeze" Alanna lied.

"Just be careful" Eva said as the door knocked.

"I will. That's probably Louis, we should go" Alanna said, slipping on her black stilettos and a black trench coat.

By now it was night fall. Eva and Carl were parked a few feet away from the art gallery opening and in another car were Sebastian, Louis, and Tommy.

"Sebastian needs to get you wired" Louis said, leading her to a big van parked across the building. He opened the back door revealing Sebastian and Tommy and a few computers.

"I need her in 5 minutes" Louis said to the men as he helped her get in before leaving.

Alanna couldn't look at Tommy in the eyes. It was awkward and almost hurtful. He had just run out of her room after they had kissed. It was like he disregarded it.

"Ready for your first overseas op?" Sebastian quipped at Alanna making her softly smile.

Tommy sat against the side of the van, watching Alanna and Sebastian talk. He felt like an idiot for running out, but the fact that they acted upon their feelings scared him.

He knew he had hurt her, but his emotions scared him more.

"Here's the transmitter to detect if you are near radiation. Slip it under your dress, around your leg" Sebastian instructed. Alanna nodded and took off her black trench coat, revealing her tight dress. Both men couldn't help but stare at her.

She was an Irish goddess, Tommy thought.

He watched as she hiked up her already short dress to wrap the transmitter around her thigh.

"She's going to be wearing a disguise again, so you'll have a transmitter in your ear piece. If you get close to her and she has the polonium you'll hear it beeping." Sebastian said, handing one to Alanna to put in her ear.

"How close? There's going to be a lot of people and it's a big gallery" Alanna asked, fixing her dress, feeling Tommy's eyes on her.

"You need to be within a couple of feet" Sebastian said.

"Well if I get too close the only thing I'm going to worry about is me breaking her neck" Alanna muttered.

"Just remember what she's carrying. What it could do to someone" Tommy finally spoke up. Alanna looked up at him and saw the genuine worry in his eyes.

"Believe me, I won't forget" Alanna replied just as the van doors opened.

"Ready?" Louis asked, holding his hand out for Alanna.

She nodded and took it to step out of the van.

The op took at least 4 hours. It was looking bad, the suspect wasn't showing up. But she finally did and they had her surrounded. But the suspect decided to ingest the polonium herself, killing herself. It was sad and gloomy flight back to The Hague. It was almost midnight when they arrived. Alanna was emotionally exhausted. Everything from the victim in Germany, to Brody, to the moment she had with Tommy all flooded in her mind. She stood in the coffee/break room, leaning against the wall, just staring at her coffee.

Lucky Ones ( Crossing Lines)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن