Chapter 1

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Getting off the BAU's private jet, Alanna headed straight home. She had spent the last two weeks in Colorado tracking down a serial rapist with the rest of the team. It was an exhausting two weeks and Alanna was glad to be back home. After a good night's rest, she returned to the BAU headquarters to do final paper work then headed back home to relax again.

While making herself some tea, her phone rang. Ashley's name and a picture of her bubbly sister popped up on her iPhone screen.

"If you got yourself in trouble and this is your one phone call well then I'm afraid you've made the wrong decision" Alanna answered with a smirk.

"Ha-ha, very funny Lana. Can't a baby sister call her big sister just to say hello?" Ashley laughed.

Alanna smiled and leaned against her counter.

"Well say hello then" Alanna joked making her sister laugh.

"I miss you" Ashley said.

"I miss you too. How's school?" Alanna asked. Ashley was attending the University of Boston, and it was her first semester.

"Killer. I just survived midterm week. How's work?" Ashley asked.

"Killer. I just got home yesterday from Colorado. We caught a serial rapist" Alanna said.

"Go you! Superwoman to the rescue!" Ashley laughed making Alanna roll her eyes.

"Uncle Michel called while I was there" Alanna said.

"He did? What did he say?" Ashley asked

"I don't know. I couldn't answer and I just remembered now that I should call him back" Alanna said.

"That you should. I'll let you go, but hey, thanks for picking up" Ashley said.

"Thanks for calling. Good luck and, Ash, you know you can always call me for anything" Alanna said.

"I know, I love you, bye!" Ashley said happily.

"Love you too, bye!" Alanna said before hanging up.

Forgetting about calling her Uncle, Alanna set out to spend the next two weeks that she had off doing something productive.

But her productivity didn't get far because in the afternoon her phone kept ringing incessantly. Instead of ignoring the 6th call, she finally answered.

"Agent Flynn" Alanna answered annoyed, figuring it was someone from work.

But she was wrong.

"Alanna, where are you?" Her Uncle's voice, panicked voice, came through. She sat straight up on the couch and was wide awake

"At home, why, what's wrong?" Alanna fired.

Her uncle sighed.

"It's Sienna" He said quietly.

Sienna, Sienna Pride, was a good family friend of theirs. She was there a lot when Ashley and Alanna's parents passed away.

"What's wrong?" Alanna asked, knowing she wasn't going to like the answer.

"She was killed just a few hours ago" Her Uncle revealed.

Time had stopped and memories of her parents' death flooded her head. For the past 5 years she faced serial murderers, rapists, cold blooded killers, and had seen so much death and cruelty that she was sure nothing could ever break her.

But she was wrong.

"What? How? When?" Alanna's voice cracked.

"I can't tell you right now, but I would kindly request you to attend her funeral in London" He said.

"I can catch the next flight over" Alanna said quietly.

"Please tell Ashley for me" Her uncle said.

" I will" She replied, still in shock.

"I'll see you in London" He said before hanging up.

Alanna sat back in her chair and ran her fingers through her hair. Sienna wasn't a close, close, friend, but close enough for Alanna to shed a few tears for.

She knew Sienna was working for a new crime task force that her Uncle had created in Europe. Had something gone wrong in one of their cases? Probably, she figured. That's the risk of these kinds of jobs.

She sighed and speed dialed Ashley's number. Ashley picked up on the 3rd ring.

"I thought one call a day would be enough" Ashley laughed.

But Alanna didn't laugh back.

"Ashley, are you in your dorm room?" Alanna asked.

Ashley picked up on the seriousness.

"Yes, why?" She asked carefully.

"Uncle Michel just called me. I have some upsetting news, and I just want you to prepare yourself" Alanna said.

Who was she kidding? How can a teenage girl prepare herself for another death.

"What's going on, Alanna?" Ashley asked, more firmly.

"Sienna was killed today" Alanna spilled.

There was a good minute of silence.

"How?" Ashley's voice finally asked.

"I don't know, sweetheart, but I'm flying out to London tonight. I'll keep you updated okay? Right now, stay focused on school. It's what Sienna would have wanted" Alanna said.

"Okay, I'll try" Ashley said, and Alanna could hear the sadness in her voice.

"I'll talk to you later, I love you" Alanna said.

"I love you too" Ashley said before Alanna hung up.

She quickly called the Unit Chief of the BAU to inform her of the incident and got herself a private jet to take her to London.

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