Chapter 2

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The car ride was pretty smooth. The total time was supposed to be about 3 hours. Yeah, I don’t think my dad really took into account that I would have to do a 6 hour round trip to move in the rest of my stuff. I guess it’s a good thing I put all the stuff I would need for the whole summer in last night. Yup, see there is the logical side. I told you it was there.

I had kind of memorized the directions and knew how to get where I was going. It’s not like there is a sign that said, “Welcome to the Hamptons.” I think the large houses and pools in the backyards were kind of a clue. I think a big factor was when people had pools even though they lived with the beach literally in their backyard. If they walked about 40 more feet they would be knee deep in water, but I guess you got to have a pool in case it’s raining. Just kidding.

A couple more twists and turns and I found the road called, “Beachfront Drive” and turned right. Now if you think about a normal block of houses in an average suburban town, how many usually fit? Maybe 8 or 10 houses on a block, perhaps even more. Well not in the Hamptons. Only 4 houses could fit on a block on average. Maybe I am exaggerating, but that really isn’t possible since this is fact. Now you wanna hear the stupid thing I did. I stopped the car right between houses 2 and 3 on Beachfront Drive and just stood there. You may think, hey only four houses to choose from, it must be easy to pick which one your dad and his new family live in.

Well, you’re wrong. 

I am completely lost to which of these four houses could possibly be the one I am supposed to spend my summer in.

After several minutes of deliberation I finally just did eny meany miney moe and hopped in the car. Now I ruled out the houses on the ends of the block because the address is 1467 and that has to be near the middle. So the house that I rolled up to I could see in the distance slightly. It was large and a light brown shade. It was built of wood and looked rather rustic. It had a very manly air about it that reminded me of my father in the pictures I had seen of him. The front of the house was very open and airy. There were tons of arched windows and they looked to be swung wide to invite in the salty breeze coming off the ocean. I couldn’t tell for sure though. From what it seemed, this could well be my father’s house.

 I drove up to the large gates that surrounded each of the properties in this area of the Hamptons. There was a small intercom box that seemed to have been manipulated to look a little more cozy mansion and a little less military base. I rolled down my window and reach as far as I could to press the small red button that would alert whoever lived inside that someone was at their entrance.

“Hello?” A masculine voice said.

“Hi, um, so I may be your daughter or I may not be. Does this mean anything to you?”

I heard a faint chuckle. “Um I am sorry to say that right now I do not have any children.”

“Damn it.” I said with without thinking.


“Shit” I said scolding myself for swearing.


“Oh wait no, I’m sorry. Could you by chance tell me where the Langston’s live?”

“Sure, that’s easy enough, next door.” The man on the other end informed me. 

       “Oh thank you.”

I was rolling up my window and rebuckling my seatbelt when I heard, “Um could you tell me why you are wondering?”

I hesitated but I might as well make friendly with the neighbors if I am going to live here. “Um, yeah I am just helping out and living with them for the summer. I just didn’t know which one of these two houses was the Langston’s.”

It took a second for a response, but it definitely came, “Huh, well, see you around.”

I smirk came to my face with this. I realized since I had no idea what this stranger even looked like, so who knows if I would ever actually know I was seeing him. Then a thought came and I examined the box again. Jackpot! A couple of small cameras were strategically placed around the gate and in the intercom box. After the feeling of victory for finding the cameras wore off, a new feeling of mystery settled in. Before I could think about it any further, I rolled up my window and backed out of the drive way.

A/N: Here is Chapter 2. I know that it has been a while, but summer is coming and the new season is really kicking me into gear. Hope you all enjoy!


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