Twins and Assholes

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"Alrighty class, today will be a day of freedom, we are going to get into teams of four and play some games." Ms. Stewart was an ex-hippie, she was all about that stuff.

Noah and I teamed up, but the only two that were left out were 'The Twins', Andrew and Robert Harris. They moved here from London about a year ago and have been extremely popular ever since. They were on the football team, they could sing and dance, there isn't a thing these guys can't do.

"Hey guys, you can join our team!" Noah yelled out, but the twins were already on their way.

"Hey Noah, how was your break?" Andrew asked Noah, Robert was the more quiet twin.

"Break was alright, I spent it mostly hanging with K.C. How bout you guys?" Noah was so chill, he could talk to anyone, except Eric.

"We went back to England to visit our family, Robert and I got matching tattoos." Just like that they both pulled up their shirts to show off their tattoos.

Andrew and Robert were ripped, they had six packs and looked like they could be models. I felt my face go red as i stared at their bodies. I think they all noticed too because before I knew it they pulled their shirts down and laughed.

"Geez Kay, why don't you drool while you're at it" Noah said between laughs.

"I...heh..I'm sorry I was just admiring your-" I was cut off by Robert.

"Abs?" His voice was deeper than Andrew's, his laugh sounded nice too.


Noah's POV

K.C's face was so red after Robert said "Abs?", she looked embarrassed, but she laughed it off. Poor kid, she's a cutie, but she's not good around guys.

"Alright class, now that you're all in your groups, the first game will be 'Name That Artist'", Ms. S said the name like the guy from Wheel Of Fortune.

"Right, so Noah is going to be the guy with all the answers. Is that okay with you, Noah?" Andrew asked me in a polite way.

"I'm so fucking down!" I said excitedly, I love these types of games.

As the game went on, our team was scoring big points. I noticed though that K.C was spacing out again, I wonder what she's thinking about? I wonder if shes thinking about summer.

After the game, that we won, we all had to sit down and talk to each other about what we did over the summer. K.C seemed uneasy, but she tried to play it off like she wasn't. Poor kid, I didn't mean for anything to turn out this way.

"So, K.C, what did you do over the break? You do anything spectacular?" Andrew asked, Robert was on his phone.

"I-uh..I just hung out with Noah mostly. Watched tv...ya know, uh..stuff." She said awkwardly, God shes cute..shh!

"So! Robert, did the tat hurt? Looks pretty cool man." I changed the subject.

"Oh-umm..not really, it was a little sore after, but for the most part no." Robert didn't talk much, but he did look at K.C a lot.

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