Chapter 5 || Adelaide

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Addy was now 87. Her siblings and parents dead, her cousin Teddy and husband Ryder dead. The day was like any other- she woke up, got dressed, had breakfast, and sat down in front of the TV to watch quidditch.

At one point, Vicky called, and they chatted for awhile, before Vicky's kids had came to visit and she had to hang up. Still lonely for some company, she called Ally, and they agreed to meet up for dinner that night. Addy wandered aimlessly to the kitchen to make some lunch for herself, wondering where to eat that night. Soon, she got a call from Fred. The phone and the TV were the only things keeping her sane, honestly.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hey, mum!" Fred greeted cheerfully. "Would you like Jeffrey and I and our families to come visit tonight?"

"Oh, that would be wonderful!" Addy exclaimed. "Except I'm having dinner with Ms. Ally tonight. What about later this afternoon?"

"Sounds great!" Fred replied. "See you then. Bye!"

"Bye," Addy said sadly. She turned her attention back to the TV. It was showing a Muggle show- something called Downton Abbey. It was quite interesting and dramatic, and she settled herself on the couch to watch it. About halfway through, she felt herself nodding to sleep and shut her eyes, even though Sybil Branson was suffocating just then on Downton Abbey.

When Fred knocked on the door, he waited for his mum to come. When she didn't, he knocked again and rang the doorbell. "Mum?!" he yelled, panicking.

He unlocked the door and burst in, repeating "Mum?!" over and over again. Finally he found her in the living room, with the TV still on and a small smile on her face. He ran to her and felt for a pulse, with no luck. Taking deep breaths, he grabbed his phone and dialed Jeffrey, but it went to voicemail. "Jeff, come over here immediately," he ordered. "It's Mum."

The funeral was sad but beautiful. All of the cousins had come, the Aurors had come, even Addy's teammates from Hogwarts. Though she had left many friends and family on Earth, she went to join many more.

( Hey, guys! Thanks for waiting so long for the story! I don't know if any of you guys are into Downton Abbey, but I thought I'd add it in for fun. Please vote and comment! I have another idea of more OCs in the family, but I need your input. If I do write about them, there's a chance of someone dying (the mom.) Your opinions will be welcomed. Thanks for reading! 😊)

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