Chapter 1 || Adelaide

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Molly beamed down at the baby. It cooed softly. "Do you want me to bring the kids in here?" Arthur asked.

Molly nodded. Arthur stuck his head out the door and whispered, "Kids. Come inside," with a big grin.

The six Weasley children got up and walked to the room. "Are we going to know the baby's gender now?" Bill asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Arthur just nodded. They followed their father into the room and Arthur gently shut the door.

"Hey, kids," Molly said softly. "Meet Adelaide."

"It's a girl?" Charlie asked.

Molly nodded. George slung his arm around Ginny's shoulder. "You've got competition, Ginny," he teased.

"Shut up," she grumbled. "May I hold her?" she asked hopefully.

Molly nodded and Ginny leaned over to hold her little sister. "Hi, Addy," she cooed.

"Addy?" Bill asked.

"Adelaide is a long name," Percy pointed out.

Bill leaned over to hold Addy, but Ginny gently kicked his shins. "No," she said firmly. "You've gotten to hold all of us; at least let me hold my only younger sibling who is my only sister for a little longer."

"Oh, come on," Ron grouched. "We all know you're going to hog her for the rest of her life- at least let us hold her now."

Ginny opened her mouth about to say something back, but Arthur stepped in quickly. "That's enough, guys," he warned. "Try not to argue in front of your baby sister."

"Oh, right. Sorry, Ginny," Charlie teased.

"Charlie," Arthur warned.

Ginny reluctantly gave Bill the baby, and Addy was passed from brother to brother, until they had all held their little sister. Then Arthur went and got Fleur, Audrey, Angelina, Hermione, and Harry. "She is so precious," Fleur said softly as she held her sister-in-law. "I cannot wait until my own little one comes," she said, placing a hand on her huge stomach after she had passed Addy to Audrey.

"It would be so sweet if yours is a girl as well," Hermione said.

"Yes. Bill is convinced that it will be a boy because of the Weasley blood, but I would prefer a little girl," Fleur said.

"Either way, Addy will have someone to play with," Angelina said, grinning.

After Addy had been passed around a million times, they decided to all leave and get some rest. That night, they all stayed up thinking of this new addition to the Weasleys.

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