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It was snack break, and I walked towards the secret bench where Alexander and Lissa were hiding. 

"Guys... something weird is going on with us.." I said, trying to get their attention. 

"What do you mean, we aren't normal" said Lissa, with a small laugh at the end. 

"No, I mean we are the only people who were able to see Daniel. Everyone else said we were talking to thin air." I said, angrily. Everyone else had a confused expression.

"I'm serious guys! This isn't funny. What's wrong with me?" I exclaim. Why was everyone under reacting. They were always so secretive... but this was another level.


Alexander and I didn't have the heart to tell Hayley that we never saw this 'Daniel' guy. What was she going on about? To be honest, we think she's delusional, but she is so nice and that's what makes a good friend. 

"Hey, Alex. There's something wrong with Hayley. She keeps talking about 'Daniel' like he's a real person, and last night she heard a fire alarm go off. Something's going on." I said, with a weak and sad expression.

"We have to figure this out, together, we can't let Hayley know she's hallucinating." Alex said. The bell rang and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left. I didn't have fifth period today with Hayley because the class had to split up. She was sad about it but it actually gave me time to think. Why was she so delusional? I understand she had a very brutal past, but it's been like, what, 300 years? She needs to get over it. But if she really liked this Daniel guy, we had to be supportive and understand she's going through alot. She always wakes up in the middle of the night, roaming the room, waking up from a nightmare, thinking I don't notice. Alex and I will tell Hayley this soon, but my question was even if Daniel wasn't real, why did he die so brutal, and why were Hayley and I kidnapped when he was 'choking' to death? 

I decided to go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I looked into the mirror, thinking to myself why was I lying to my new friend? I look up and behind my reflection was Hayley, but not like normal. She had a blood soaked dress, a knife stuck in the middle of her chest. She was saying something, but I couldn't hear it. I turned around to see if she was really there, but she wasn't. I was only staring at the shower. I decide to avoid mirrors the rest of the day. I walk out and see Hayley walking into the dorm with her leather jacket on. I was so relieved when I didn't see her wearing a blood soaked dress. But.... why was there blood on her hand? You could clearly see it. She quickly covered her hand and started to talk.

"Hey Liss, just coming back. So much to think about" she said.

"Why don't you just relax? Stop doing so much thinking! You can at least have one normal day of rest, you know." I say. 

"Hey, I have an idea to get things off our minds, what if we get a job at Starbucks? You could meet a cute vampire, and happily ever after" I say, trying to switch the mood (and subject). Lets hope if she does work there, she won't be hallucinating again. That would be the point I would spill.

"Liss, it's not like that." she says, sadly.

"Why not? Yes, we have shitty lives, but just re-think this. We could have a fun life!!!" I yell.

"Ok, ok. Shifts from 4:30pm—7:00pm, I'll ask at least" she says. Maybe we could have a happily ever after, after all. But that dosen't change the fact that something weird is going on.

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