Chapter 3: I love you

Start from the beginning

"Uh, I guess." I rethought the fight we had.

"Great! I need you to tell him there will be a Ladybug in training starting the day there is an akuma." A Ladybug in training?

"Who is this new Ladybug? I'm also going to start some training." Tikki thought for a while.

"Well like Bridgette, her identity needs to be a secret, Bridgette because of catching up on school and her injuries and to relax her nerves, M- I mean, the new Ladybug will be serving for a while, probably until school ends since there's 4 months left, of course the new LB has school as well but she'll manage, what about you?"

"Same, my brothers' injuries are pretty bad and he's been having severe headaches, I'll stop being Chat the same time Ladybug stops."

"Great! You two will be great friends!"

"Hehe, I'll be happy to work with her."

"Okay now hurry, Bri is probably really dehydrated."

"Ah! I forgot!"

I quickly got her water before she asked me something.
"Wait Adrien! Can you take me to see Felix?" I stiffened.


"I want to make sure he's okay, I just had a sudden urge to go."

I though for a while, "Okay, I'll take you there"
She smiled, "Thank you, Adrien."
Felix POV
What is he doing here?!
"D-dad? Shouldn't you be working?" I stuttered.

"Well I decided to see my son who's hurt." I propped myself up.

There was a long awkward silence.

"Well I brought some food from home and I heard that you like to eat Camembert cheese for such an odd reason, here is also the homework from school and a few letters from friends."

"I should be leaving now." He got up and started to walk out.

"W-wait dad!" He stopped.
I gulped, "Thank you... for coming to visit me."

And the strangest thing happened, he smiled.
"You're welcome, son." He walked out. I smiled, I've never seen him smiled since mom disappeared.

Plagg flew in front of my face.
"He seemed really worried, Felix." He said.

"I know." I murmured, he quickly took the cheese and sat down to eat it.
For a while I just stared at the letters, I sighed and decided to read them later, meanwhile I would finish my homework. I did that for a while until I accidentally hit the table, and the letters scattered.

I looked down at one letter that caught my eye.

I picked it up and opened it, and started to read it.

"Dear Felix,
Greetings Felix, ah, too formal right? Haha. I'm not good at writing letters so this feels weird, anyway that's not what I wanted to say. I hope you feel better, I felt really worried that you got stuck in that Akuma attack and when I heard you had to be taken to the hospital I just had to visit to see if you're okay. You're little brother Adrien was also really worried about you, you know he cares about you. Anyway this is kind of awkward, but I know you'll be fixed up, too bad you're not "Fix it Felix!" Although 'Fix it Felix' can't heal your wounds, haha dad jokes am I right? I'm having to much fun, I'll get going. Don't forget, We love you, Felix, I, love you.

I said the last part out loud, "I love you... dad, Adrien." I clutched the letter to my chest and started to sob.
Plagg stared at me and flew up and hugged me.

"I love you...I love you all." I started to cry and cry. Then Plagg went to go hide.
I felt a warm arms hug me.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here with you." It was Bridgette.
I didn't care why she was here, I was just glad that she was here, my heart finally felt like it was repaired.

"Bridgette...." I sobbed. I hugged her, she was so warm.
We stayed like that for a while, me not knowing Adrien was outside the door, also crying.
Hawkmoth POV
"Hmm... a candidate. Seems like Chloe Borgeouis was let down by her best friend and can use a way to empty out her anger. Meet, Spoiled Princess" (I didn't know what to put for a name lol).
Okay so this was also shorter but I wanted this to be a sad chapter with feels and stuff so guess who's updating twice this week? Me! That chapter will be released 2x the length of this and if I have more time maybe even 3x. It all depends. Anyway that chapter will be posted Thurday at 9:00pm Pacific Time. I literally teared up writing this like... WHOS CUTTING ONIONS?! Hope you enjoyed.

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