"Dada dada! Push!" Zac was clinging onto a seat that was far too big for him, probably would be until he was Staria's age or older.

"Zac, you silly thing." Alec came over and placed him in the baby, surrounded by plastic bars so he couldn't fall out, "there. Want push? Shall I push?" He grinned, noticing this was cute yet also a very sick innuendo.

"Push push push!" He only grinned wider, bouncing up and down in the seat.

Alec smiled, pulling the seat back slightly and pushing forward, going higher than he meant. Zac squealed and giggling, clearly not caring in the slightest. So he continued, listening to him laugh and squeal, slowly getting higher and higher until Zac got bored and shouted stop over and over until Alec finally noticed. "Slide! Slide sli-" he stopped and turned his head towards the back door but nothing was there.

Alec frowned but literally moments later, Magnus came out. "Papa!" Staria shouted, midway across the monkey bars. She swung across, ran over the bridge down the slide and straight into Magnus' open arms, nuzzling his chest. "Where were you?"

"Just out at work poppet, I had to go early since it was urgent." He kissed her forehead and picked her up, "didn't daddy tell you?" He smiled over at Alec and Zac, beginning to walk over slowly.

"I uh-never asked.." She blushed.

"Hey baby," Alec kissed Magnus on the lips gently, getting a loud "Yuck" from Zac. "You're back earlier than you said you would. Glad."

"Am I? I said 10, what time is it? Maybe I'm getting my time zones mixed up..." He looked at his watch, "no I'm right, it's just gone 12." Alec looked shocked, wondering where on earth the time had gone. "But im rather tired, might head off to bed for a nap."

"Papa! Daddy push swing.. And and, then slide but but.. You, you came!" Zac grinned, clearly having no idea of what's going on.

Magnus placed Staria back down, saying he'd see them all later. Which he would, but far later than he planned. Alec didn't know this, neither did the children, but no one really knows what the future holds do they? Life is a matter of playing the waiting game for all those who decide to play along. You can drop at any time, but all things come to an end eventually...

Whereas others return to say hello.


(I'm feeling kind....kinda)

-18 hours later, 08:24-


"Ah, Alec. Hi! How are you?"

"Not too good, Magnus won't wake up and I found those antibiotic pills you gave him a few months ago spilled all over the floor, except... I put them all back and it was virtually full. I don't know what's happened to him."

"Has he been feeling pain again?"

"If he has he hasn't mentioned it, just come over and do some tests? Please... The kids are still asleep, I have lots to do but I'm really worried it might be back."

"Don't jump to conclusions!" Richard sighed, "I'll be over in 20."


Alec stroked Magnus' hair, he hadn't slept all night because he couldn't stop worrying about him. Magnus didn't seem to respond to anything; he didn't respond to talking, sound, touch, not even a flinch when shaken roughly by the shoulders. So he just decided to leave him be, see what happened.

Zac was fast asleep in Alec's lap while Staria lay beside Magnus in his own. He wasn't sure whether he was disappointed in Magnus for not taking his tablets, or whether this was something completely different. He didn't know the entire story, though Richard said the antibiotics were only painkillers, whichever doctor made the subscription had got it wrong.

They were in a quiet hospital room now, early afternoon and only Alec was awake, though barely. He refused to sleep until Magnus woke up-whenever that would be. He just couldn't believe what Richard had said, the brief conversation that took Alec down the dark side of memory lane.

"Well the results are back." Richard said, entering the room while looking at his papers.

"And? Is Magnus going to be okay?"

"I'm sorry alec, but you were right."

Alec frowned, dread beginning to build up. "What do you mean I'm right?"

"One word- chondrosarcoma." Alec didn't speak, clearly not understanding.

Richard sighed and scratched at his head nervously before taking a deep breath. "It's cancer, Alec. It's come back, and far worse than before."


OKAY I KNOW I'M MEAN!!!! Next/final chapter will be uploaded at some point, before the 23rd remember!!!!! (it'll probably be tomorrow, having issues that are making me lonely).

See you there! ~Fiz

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