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"Do you have to go to school?"

"Yes Keke. I don't have a choice. I tell you everyday," I said.

"But you said yesterday you will stay with me."

"I'm sorry. Just let me go, okay," I pushed Keke away and walked out of my apartment.

I had more scars than last week, and it was getting close to spring. I had to wear the sweater, but everyone would ask me why.

Going to school and coming back were always a blurr. I stopped wanting to go home. Keke has been becoming more aggressive, and I didn't know what to do. If I didn't follow what Keke wanted, he would make me double my cuts. And I was starting to feel painless.

Yugyeom was no where to be seemed. Jimin and Bambam had becoming cold towards me. Jaebum, Yongjar and every else blamed me for Yugyeom getting married. Jackson and Mark started to part away from me, only visiting me when they needed to.

"Keke, why am I still alive?" I asked.

"I don't know. Let's try suicide!"

"Can I really?" I asked.

"Yeah. If you soak yourself in water and you cut, you have a very high chance of dying."

"Let's go do that," I got up from where I was and went to go and get my blades.

"Make sure you do it like usual."

"I will," I said.

I took off my clothing's and started the water. I played with the water before turning it off.

"Please let everyone be happy," I cut myself.

I heard banging on my door. I got quickly got up and dressed up in a pants and shirt.

"Yugyeom?" I opened the door for him.

"Can I stay here for the night? Mom officially kicked me out," he frown.

"I don't think so," I mumbled but let him in.

"Jinyoung, what is that?" He pointed to my bleeding arm.

"N-Nothing. Don't worry about it. I'll be in the bathroom if you need me," I quickly rushed to the bathroom.

"Wait!" He called after me, "is it because of me?"

"Its nothing. Now I have to go," 8i said before shutting and locking the door. I jumped into the tub, without taking off my clothes.

I started to record myself.

"Today is my last day.  And I wanted to say thank you to all those who has been willing to stat by my side since day one. I really am grateful for that. Its been a wonderful life... But its not as grate as I always thought it was. Its so much that not one can take, even if its not that important," I sighed," I don't want to sat anyone who did it. Everything is just me. I don't know anything and I was never loved and I guess, I have too much high hopes. I really do wish everyone a good life no matter where they end up. This is my last good bye."

I slowly cut myself and put it into the water. I kept doing that until I started to feel drowsy. I then heard banging, and right before my eye closed, I saw Yugyeom running towards me.


Yugyeom POV

I was at the hospital. I never thought he was actually thinking that. He was always so cheerful and happy. I didn't even do anything good for him. I always left him, and he had taken good care of me.

I paced back and forth, waiting for the doctors to come. It was already three hours and I still haven't gotten anything. I called and texted Mark and Jackson, they didn't reply. I called his sister, but she also didn't reply. I called everyone I knew, but nobody answered.

"Jinyoung, please be fine. Okay?" I silently prayed to myself. I heard loud footsteps coming my way.

"Jinyoung! Where is he?" It was Jinyoung's older sister, or Mrs. Park.

"He's in the emergency room still," I sighed.

"How could you let him do this!? Just because he rejected you and he couldn't show his love to you? Huh? How could you! You are just like all those other people. Heartless!" She yelled at me. She was crying so hard. Her husband walked up to her  comfort her. All I could do was sit and watch as one of the only family that truely love Jinyoung cry over the fact that he actually tried suicide.

Soon Jackson and Mark came. Mark also got a yelling from Jinyoung's sister. And he was very confused. Jackson almost killed me, and Mark was also sitting with me on the bench of guiltiness. Jackson wouldn't talk to anyone, but Jinyoung's brother-in-law.

Jin dragged Namjoon down the hallway and asked about Jinyoung. Nobody was going to get any news because its been a while.

Soon after Jin and Namjoon came, the doctor walked out.

"Park Jinyoung's family?"

"Here!" Nonna walked up to the doctor.

"He survived thankfully, but he's not in good condition. He may need therapy due to hearing random people. He may also need supportive friends and family," the doctor said, "And he must've done cutting before because there are very old marks from few years back."

"Wait, what will be needed for his treatment?" Nonna asked.

"Many things. He could be on medication, do session, and everything above."

The doctor left and Nonna started to cry.

"I can't believe I let my own brother met someone like you," Nonna looked at me,"Such a low life human being! You're the most heartless students I have ever had!I can't believe you come back to his life after leaving him for two fucking months. Alone. And everything he went through. How could I think someone like you, a boy who acts like he's poor but is actually rich, could be able to be there for my only baby brother!?"

"Naeoon, calm down. Come one. Its a hospital," her husband said.

"Get out! Don't ever come back to him!" She yelled at me.

I turned my back on everyone, who was staring at me. I walked away and made my way to the exit sign. I was going back to where I could only be. Dad's industry.


You know, older sisters are very protective of any of their siblings. Shoo they don't give tow shit about anybody's feelings. Aha. But hope you liked it and you guys did get to see a side of Yugyeom's prospective! Aha. ^^

Oh and last update for tonight! Sleep tight!

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