Chapter Twelve: Big News

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By the time the doors open, everyone in the Guild had heard something was wrong with Natsu. Wild rumors had spread about the cause and what it was that ailed him. So naturally everyone fell silent as Master Makarov stepped from the room and stood at the top of the stairs to address the room. He clears his throat and takes a deep breath. "Mira! I need more alcohol!" He bellows before waddling down the stairs and taking a seat at the bar, ignoring everyone's gaping mouths. All at once everyone starts shouting questions and demanding answers. Master Makarov simply dismisses them with a wave of his hand. "It doesn't concern you." He states flatly as he takes a mug from Mira's hand and downs it in one go.

"He's my friend! I need to know!" Cries happy as he crawls up Makarov's pant leg.

"I'll permit you, Erza, and Lucy to enter." He states as Mira fills his mug. "But don't pester him. It's his decision to tell you."

"Thank you sir!" Erza yells, grabbing a startled Lucy and running up the stairs so quickly she appears to be flying. Once in the room with the door shut, Erza releases Lucy from her grasp causing her to fall to the floor with a thud.

"Perhaps wake me before you do something like that again." Lucy says as she stands up and brushes off her skirt, her voice showing her annoyance.

"Hey, guys." Natsu says sheepishly from a comfy looking couch across the room.

"Natsu!" Happy screams as he speeds off towards him, tears flowing from his eyes. Gray steps between them and braces himself, stopping Happy as if he hit a brick wall.

"Be gentle!" Gray yells furiously.

"Gray!" Natsu scolds. "He doesn't know."

"That doesn't matter! He could- He could have..."

Natsu stands up and crosses over to Gray, taking his hands into his own and staring into his eyes. "I know." He says gently as he rests his head on Gray's chest and closes his eyes. "But losing your cool won't help." Natsu gives Gray's hands a gentle squeeze before he takes his head off his chest and gives Gray a kiss on the lips.

"So... what's going on?" Lucy asks, freaking out about their behavior.

"If you don't mind telling." Erza says as she sits down on the couch, trying not to sound demanding.

Natsu looks past Lucy towards the front of the room. "Could you give us a moment?" He asks Porlyusica who no one had noticed when they entered. She bows her head and exits the room quietly. "Guys..." Natsu looks down nervously and bites his lip. Gray sits down, pulling Natsu down gently with him and holding his hand for support. "I'm pregnant."

"Called it!" Shouts Mira from the other side of the door followed by a loud thump and Porlyusica's loud yelling.

Natsu's face burns red hot from embarrassment. Surely everyone will know now... Natsu thinks as tears start falling.

Erza and Lucy quickly move to Natsu's side and give him a light hug. "We're here for you!" Erza says excitedly with a chuckle as tears of joy wet her eyes. Lucy nods in Agreement.

"I'm so happy for you! What are you wanting?" Lucy asks, already picking out entire outfits in her mind and imagining who the child will look more like.

Gray and Natsu smile. "Thanks for the support guys." Gray says, staring everyone in the eyes, overwhelmed by the positive reactions. I should have know better, he thinks. They are family after all.

Natsu looks down at Happy who has been silent. Happy stares back without blinking. "Does this mean I have to share my fish?" He asks seriously.

"That's the first thing you ask?!" Yells Lucy in disbelief as Everyone laughs. "Not even a, 'how can you get pregnant' kind of question?"

"As far as we know, it has something to do with him being a dragon slayer." Gray explains. "Porlyusica couldn't even fully explain it."

"Oh my goodness! I just realized this means Natsu's the bottom!" Lucy shrieks, causing Natsu to burn even hotter. "That's soooo cute!"

Ezra's eyes bulge and she covers her mouth. How could I have not seen this earlier!

"Can we talk about something else?" Natsu asks sternly, not wanting the conversation to go down that road.

"So you're going to name the baby after me, right?" Erza demands more than asks.

Natsu laughs nervously and shakes his head. "It would be confusing to have two Erza's around..."

"Really," Erza presses. "I wouldn't mind. I'd be quite flattered honestly!"

"We haven't really been thinking of names since we're still kind of in shock." Gray adds. "We'll have plenty of time to think about them." Gray nuzzles Natsu's nose with his.

"What does this mean about jobs?" Happy asks.

"Too dangerous. He's not going on any." Gray states, pulling Natsu into a tighter hug.

"I can still fight!" Natsu protests, his face twisting into a scowl.

Gray turns Natsu's face gently with both hands, staring him in the eyes. "No. You're too reckless. You charge in without thinking and get pulverized. I can't let you." Natsu looks down, takes a deep breath and nods.

"Okay." He says deflated, his face softening. "I'll stay here."

Gray kisses Natsu forehead, holding it for a moment. "Thank you. I'll stay by your side."

"Do you hear that?" Lucy asks suddenly.

"Of course I do." Natsu says tapping his ear.

Erza cocks her head to the side and listens carefully. "I hear it too. Are- Are they saying your name?"

"Yeah." Lucy says, a smile spreading across her face. "They're calling for you."

Gray stands up and holds out his hand to Natsu. "Shall we?"

Natsu places his hand in Gray's, interlocking their fingers. "We shall." He says, standing up and making his way to the door. They stop and look at each other, their hearts pounding. "We're with you." Erza says with a heartening smile, placing a hand on each of their shoulders and giving them a confidence boost. Gray and Natsu nod at each other, take a deep breath, smile, and open the door to their screaming friends.

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