Chapter Seven: A Little Fun

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Erza filled Gray and Natsu in on what the three of them had been doing while they were separated and on the new information she had uncovered. "Mr. Bazdo never mentioned a man being involved in this. I don't know if he knows and if he does, why keep it a secret?" Erza asks deep in thought as she and the rest follow the road North-East.

"Maybe he's one of the servants?" Lucy asks. "Might explain why he wanted to keep everything quiet. Upper class girls like her aren't supposed to mingle with lowers like him." Lucy says from experience. They all walk for a while, thinking about who this man is and why Angelia is traveling with him.

"So Natsu... Did you get cold during the storm?" Happy asks mischievously. Erza and Lucy shoot Happy a quick-dirty look.

"Nope. We had a nice fire going." Natsu says, looking back at Gray.

"What did you do to pass the time?" Happy presses.

"We slept mostly. Ate a little too." Natsu replies, raising his eyebrow in suspicion. "Why are you asking so many questions?"

"We were just so worried about you being gone so long!" Lucy buts in. "We thought something bad might have happened. We're glad you're okay!" Lucy exclaims as she grabs Happy out of the air and slaps a hand over his mouth, holding him to her chest.

"Hmph. It'll take more than a little storm to take us down." Gray says cockily.

"There's the town." Erza says suddenly pointing.

"It's pretty small." Lucy says.

"Less people to talk to then." Erza replies as she continues walking.

"I don't think we'll need to talk to anyone..." Happy says as he watches Angelia walk out of a grocery store with Max.

"All right!" Yells Natsu. "Let's grab her and get our money!"

"Not so fast." Erza says, grabbing Natsu by the scarf as he starts to walk away, causing him to choke. "Let's wait and observe them from afar and figure out the situation before we charge in there."

"What do you mean?" Lucy asks.

"Angelia didn't run away for no reason. Also who is this Max fellow? Why are they here and why are they together? There are too many questions that need answers before we finish the job."

"I guess that makes sense." Lucy says.

"In the mean time, we should find somewhere to stay. And under no circumstance should anyone interact with them. Is that understood?" Erza asks, raising an eyebrow at everyone.

"Hai!" Everyone shouts as they salute Erza, drawing a few funny looks from passerbys.

"Good. Now, does anyone see a place to stay?" Asks Erza as she puts her hand over her brow to block the sun to see more easily.

"That place?" Natsu asks, pointing to an extravagant and large white building with large pillars and huge windows.

"Uhh... That probably costs more for a night than my rent does," Lucy says with horror.

Erza rolls her eyes. "It'll have to do for now. Come on." Everyone follows Erza into the hotel and are floored. There walls are a light brown covered in golden designs with large expensive looking paintings dotting them. The floor is made of a shiny white tile that appears to be seamless.

"Hello!! How may I help you?!" Sings a small plump lady popping out from under the counter.

"We would like some rooms for a few days please." Erza says politely with a smile.

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