Chapter Eight: A Job Well Done

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*Knock knock knock* Gray lifts his head sleepily and looks around, trying to remember where he is. There's another knock at he door. "Helloooooo," sings the familiar voice of Erza. "Gray! Natsu! We've got to get going! People to stalk and such!"

"Oh crap!" Gray says quietly, remembering where he was and what happened. He pushes Natsu off him and gives him a gentle yet urgent shake.

Natsu rubs his eyes. "What's going on?"

Gray throws Natsu his clothes and reaches for his own, throwing them on quickly. "Erza's at the door!"

Natsu blinks at Gray, trying to process why he was panicking. He suddenly remembers and looks down at himself. "I- I'VE GOT TO SHOWER!" He yells, taking off and slamming the bathroom door.

"You going to make me wait out here all day?" Erza asks impatiently.

Gray walks over and opens the door. "Sorry," He says as he rubs the back of his head.

"What took so long?" Erza pried with a raised eyebrow as she pushed her way past Gray and took note of the messy room.

Quick! Gotta come up with something! Think Gray! Gray just shrugs his shoulders. Smooth.

"Not even an excuse? And where's Natsu?" The sound of metal knobs squeaking fill the air, signaling Natsu was finished.

"Shower," Gray says plainly.

"We had one just a few days ago? Surely he couldn't have gotten that dirty?" Erza asks with a mischievous look on her face.

Crap! She knows something is up. "You know Natsu! Always making a mess!" Gray says nervously as he rushes over to his bag and starts throwing stuff in, trying to avoid Erza's interrogation. The bathroom door opens and a shirtless Natsu steps out with a towel wrapped around his head.

"Hey Erza! How's it going?" Natsu asks as he removes the towel from his head and pulls on his shirt.

Erza is silent for a moment, taking a look around the room as she smirks. "I don't mind you two having... fun," she says with a chuckle, "but we do have a job to do." Erza walks over to the door and opened it, waiting for Gray and Natsu to grab their stuff and leave. When they walk out the door, Erza takes one last glance at the stains in the bed and smiles before exiting the room.

"Do we know where she is staying?" Gray asks as Erza leads them out of the hotel and down the street.

"Yes, actually. Last night, Lucy and I decided to do a little investigating while you two were... well occupied."

Fuck! Gray and Natsu both thought. That's the second time she insinuated that something happen between us! Natsu and Gray's faces turn red from embarrassment and follow Erza silently.

Erza giggled and turned to face Gray and Natsu. "You know, there's nothing to feel ashamed about! It's completely natural!" Gray and Natsu stare at Erza with shocked expressions which causes Erza to burst out laughing.

"H-how?" Natsu asks finally.

"We watched you two walk into town holding hands." Erza turns around and continues walking, the two following her.

"Why didn't you say anything?!" Gray asks.

"We didn't want to embarrass you," Erza states as they round a corner.

"Then why tell us now?" Natsu asks curiously.

"I felt your relationship could handle it now that it's... solidified." Erza blushes and then makes another turn, stopping in front of a small cozy looking house.

"Lucy!" Erza whispers loudly.

There's some rustling and Lucy's head pops out of a bush. "Here!" she loudly whispers back.

"Anything change?"

"No. They're still eating breakfast." At the word, Natsu's stomach rumbles. He pats it and places a fingers to his lips as he shushes it.

"What are they having?" Gray asks.

"Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast. You're typical breakfast," Lucy answers. Suddenly they hear rustling and turn to see the cause of the noise but it's gone.

"Wait... Wasn't Natsu right there?" Lucy asks at his now empty spot.

"What could that fool b- OH NO!!" Erza spots Natsu in the house. He's sitting under the table, reaching up and over, grabbing handfuls of bacon and pancakes.

"That idiot!" Erza shouts. She ducks down quickly behind the bushes to avoid the curious gaze of Angelia. Suddenly there is a scream and a loud metallic bang. Angelia spotted Natsu under the table and smacked a pan on top of his head. Erza, Gray, Lucy and Happy all rush into the house, scaring Angelia and Max even more.

"It's all right!" Erza exclaims, holding her hands up in a non threatening way. "We were hired to find you by your father!" She quickly explains.

"My... father. He's out looking for me?" Angelia looks shocked. "I thought he wouldn't want anything to do with me when I ran away."

"Why did you run away?" Lucy asks, slapping Natsu's hand away from the bacon.

"Father didn't approve of Max and me. Said he wouldn't allow it. So we ran away together." Angelia moves next to Max, taking his hand in hers and smiling. "I knew when I met Max that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him."

"That's so sweet!" Erza coos, her hands clasped together as she sways side to side.

"I assume Father wishes to speak with me," Angelia asks with a raised eyebrow.

Erza nods. "Natsu, head back to the hotel and have them send a message to Mr. Bazdo telling him that we found Angelia." Natsu leaves quickly. Everyone sits down and has long chat until Natsu and Mr. Bazdo arrive.

Mr. Bazdo quickly pulls his daughter into an embrace, tears streaming down his face as he kisses the top of her head. "Oh I was so worried!" He exclaims. When he finally let go of Angelia he turns and walks towards the members of Fairy Tail. "Thank you so much!" He exclaims, quickly shaking their hands. "The money will be waiting for you at your Guild. Thank you so much!"

"It was our pleasure," Erza says, bowing. The five exit the house and start making their way back to fairy tail. Natsu and Gray are walking side by side, their arms wrapped around each others waist.

"When did you two go public with your relationship?" Lucy asks.

"Almost immediately after their... bonding," Erza says teasingly.

"Hey! You're not going to tell everyone are you!?" Natsu yells as his face turns bright red.

"Bonding..." Lucy says, trying to figure out what Erza meant. She look at Erza who gave her a wink. "OH!" Lucy exclaims.

"Just keep it to yourselves," Gray demands.

"Not going to happen!" Erza sings as she, Happy, and Lucy take off running as they giggle. Gray and Natsu look at each other before chasing after them, shouting and hollering.

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