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        A/N: Not to be dramatic, but this gif just might be the reason for my existence

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        A/N: Not to be dramatic, but this gif just might be the reason for my existence.

       I stood at the wheel, my fingers wrapped about the handles as the boat glided across the waves. The shore of Dunkirk was visible, smoke rose up from the sand. Large ships were positioned around. You could see thousands of dots on the white sand, those were the people.

       There were so many, 400,000 is what we were told. I took a deep breath. With every minute we drew closer. We were probably two miles out right now. The waves were starting to get bigger. I swayed from side to side with the boat.

        Bombs and explosions could be heard from all the way out here. It was very intimidating and nerve racking. Sweat was starting to form on my forehead. I rubbed my lips together, feeling them getting more chapped from the wind.

        More civilian ships had appeared all around us. Mr. Dawson was close by on my left. His son Peter waved to me, letting me know they were doing alright. I waved back. Collins stood at starboard bow, keeping a sharp eye out in the sky.

       He had put on a life jacket just in case things went wrong and we somehow ended up in the water. Arthur was still below deck. I didn't care what he was doing at the moment.
I looked out to the beach, knowing that my Father was out there somewhere.

       When he left last year, he told me to protect others. He told me to keep fighting no matter what. Keep your head high and your fears behind you is what he said. I am fearful to be honest with you. My heart is pounding, fingers are shaking, and my thoughts are dark.

       Who knows, the last thing I may see is dark water pulling me down to the black abyss of the sea. I leaned my head against the wheel, trying to settle down. The boat rocked, salty sea air filled my nostrils.

       Today we will rescue these men, it's what Churchill wants... it's what he needs. Those men will live to fight another day. I opened my eyes. Collins was standing in the doorway, his blonde hair blowing in the wind. A life jacket was in his hands "Thought you might need this" he handed me the jacket. I took it gratefully and slipped it over my jacket "You doing okay?" He asked.

       "I'm not sure" I admitted, buckling the vest "At this point, I'm not sure if I know what I'm doing anymore. Crossing was the easy part" I shrugged, meeting his eyes. He stepped into the room "Who's Farrier?" I asked as he got closer. Not uncomfortable close, but I'm sure if Arthur saw he'd throw a fit "When the planes were firing overhead, you said the name Farrier"

        "He's my partner in the skies" he explained, placing his hand lazily on the wheel "We fly the spit-fighters together. I went down, he stayed up. He was always more skilled at flying than me" he chuckled, rubbing his palm on the handle.

        "Oh I bet" I smirked "I did pull you out of a sinking plane. Those are meant for the air, not the water Collins"

        "I figured that part out, Alice" he almost rolled his blue eyes. We were about a foot apart now. Something in my gut was telling me to lean closer. Lean closer to this man that I met less than four hours ago. I bit my bottom lip and looked away. This is War, there's no time for childish crushes "I never did thank you for saving me. That meant a lot"

         I nodded, gazing back out to the water. I could feel is eyes on me. Off in the distance, a ship loaded with sailors and artillery could be seen. It was sailing away from Dunkirk. On the other side of the grey bay, a long white board walk was built into the water. It held soldiers as well.

         Collins walked to the back of the boat and scanned his eyes across the army of civilian boats around us. Sailors from the larger vessel looked down at us. They waved their hands in the air, bright smiles were plastered on their tired faces. The cheers of a thousand men filled the air as our boats rode into the bay. I went to the front of the boat and raised the British flag back up on the pole. Collins appeared behind me and grinned "We made it"

       I smiled back brightly at him, feeling joy for the first time on this trip, but that quickly went away.

      Arthur emerged from below deck. He appeared to have been sleeping. He rubbed his eyes and ran his fingers through his dark hair "Are we there?" He asked. Collins nodded his head "Finally!" Arthur groaned "That means we're this much closer to leaving" he held his thumb and pointer finger half an inch apart. I narrowed my eyes at him.

        Our ship passed by the long board walk. Men stood lined up at the railings, they waved their hats in the air with pure joy. A few more men stood at the end of the pier. Their uniforms signaled that they were of higher ranking. One wore a brown suit with a cap, and another had on a navy suit. I could see that he had binoculars over his eyes.

        I felt my heart skip a beat and my eyes filled with tears. The man slowly lowered the binoculars, his eyes were looking in my direction. I stood at the edge of the boat and lifted my fist up in the air, letting him know that I can see him. The man returned the same hand gesture. My bottom lip trembled, but not in sadness. He was still alive.

       Collins was beside me, his hands were resting on the edge of the boat. He was looking across the bay at the man on the pier "You know him?" He asked.

        I slowly looked to him, still processing the fact that he was actually alive. Wind blew a few strands of my hair into my face "That's my Father"

        "Commander Bolton?!" His jaw dropped "No wonder, you're just has strong willed as he is!" He complimented. I chuckled and leaned against him, placing my hand on his arm.

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