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        Colonel Winnant of the British Army stood on the white dock next to Commander Bolton

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        Colonel Winnant of the British Army stood on the white dock next to Commander Bolton. They didn't utter a word to each other as another one of the large ships took off from the pier and out to open water. They weren't sure if the ship would make it to the other side.

        They had all been trapped at Dunkirk for over a week. Time was running out. The Germans were closing in on them. Soon, they would all be dead. Winnant was busy looking through his binoculars. Bolton stood at the end of the dock, his eyes scanning the horizon for any upcoming enemy planes. If they bombed the remaining vessels, there would be no way out. But he noticed something else.

        Specs were taking shape in the distance. He looked over his shoulder and waved his hand to Winnant, he wanted to use the binoculars. Winnant rushed over and handed them to him. He raised them up to his blue eyes and peered out to the water.


       Dozens of pleasure crafts and fishing boats were bobbing in the grey water. They were coming to relieve the trapped men. The call had went out, and the people had heard. Nothing else seemed to matter in that moment. A smile formed on his lips at the sight.

"What do you see?" Winnant asked from behind.

       Commander Bolton lowered the binoculars from his tear filled eyes and said one word "Home" he breathed as a tear slipped down his cheek. They grew closer to the shore. Everyday-average people stood on board, some woman, mostly men. A familiar yacht with large white sails was in the front.

        Three people could be seen. Two at the front and one at the back. From the looks of it, one of them was a woman. Commander Bolton squinted his eyes to try and make out the people. He recognized the boat. It was his.

       The vessel passed by the pier. A woman was standing at the edge. She slowly raised her balled up fist in the air. An enormous amount of pride rushed through him. He balled up his first and held it in the air, wanting for her to know that he sees her. It's his daughter, Alice.

"What are you doing?" Winnant asked, noticing what he was doing.

       "My Daughter is out there, Colonel" he dropped his fist back down to his side and turned to Winnant "She crossed the channel and is here to help, just like I knew she would"

       "My Daughter is out there, Colonel" he dropped his fist back down to his side and turned to Winnant "She crossed the channel and is here to help, just like I knew she would"

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Colonel Winnant


       Soldiers in the surrounding boats and on the beach cheered for the civilians. They jumped and celebrated. Sirens from boats were blaring. Men were tossing their hard hats in the air.

        Three planes roared over head in the skies. I looked up, darting my eyes around around until I found them. They grew louder as they approached. I felt a pit form in my gut. Collins watched them closely. The celebration was over now "Is your Farrier up there?" I asked, praying that he would say yes.

       "Unfortunately, I don't see him" he met eyes with me. I took a shaky breath "Don't worry, everything will be alright"

"Are you sure?"


        I noticed a small boat stranded out in the waves. It appeared to be sinking. Some soldiers were climbing out from the hatch "There are men out there!" I pointed, leaning against the edge of my boat. Collins followed my finger and spotted them as well.

        A large ship was coming closer to us. Men were on deck, they rested against the railing and looked down on us. The planes also soared closer in distance. I looked back to my Father who still stood on the pier. From here, I could tell that his body was tense. He glanced back to the other officer who was with him and started running down the pier.

        That's when the bombs dropped. I ducked down and covered my head when they came dangerously close to the boat. Collins covered me, but kept his head up to see what was happening. His arms wrapped around my waist to hold me in place as the boat jolted. I covered my ears "Collins" I said in fear through gritted teeth.

"It's okay, darling. We're alright" he held me tighter.

       "What the hell is happening?" Arthur yelled, laying on the floor. He had his hands over his head for protection.

       The soldiers from the small, stranded vessel were swimming through the water towards my boat. We were the closest to them so naturally they came this way "We have to help them. Hopefully the boat will hold all of them" I called, removing myself from Collins.

       More bombs and bullets rained down from to planes overhead. Some penetrated the side of my boat. Water gushed in from the holes, but it wasn't enough to sink us. I stood up from my crouched positioned and waved to the men in the water.

       Collins turned the boat and got us closer to them. I tossed a few life-jackets in the water for the ones who weren't wearing one "Come on" I extended my hand to the first person. His heavy suit weighed him down. He had dark hair and emerald green eyes. (A/N: my boy)

       I gripped his hand and wrapped my other hand around his elbow. He placed his arms at the edge of the boat and climbed in. I pulled on his jacket and tugged him in. Collins was at my side, pulling the next man in. Arthur was too scared to help me. He had his arms wrapped around his knees and he was rocking his body back and forth on the floor.

        I frowned in disgust at his behavior. Another man was at the side of the boat. I pulled him in. Dozens more were swimming to us, desperate to get on. There was already quite a few on the boat already. My fear is that the boat would sink or tip over from the weight.

       Collins sensed my uneasiness. The man with emerald eyes was helping as well. He stood beside me and pulled a skinny faced boy with dark hair out from the water and helped him onto the boat.

"How many more can we fit?" The green eyed boy asked in a husky low voice.

       I looked over my shoulder and eyed the men already on board "Do you think we can fit 400,000?" I asked.

"We can sure try" he replied.

"We can sure try" he replied

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Alex (emerald eyed boy💚)

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