"Are you one of Littlefingers' girls?" He asked, a tempting smile on his delicious face. She nodded softly, as Oberyn bit his lip moving past with his wife. "I think we'll have to visit that brothel again." Aerys held jealousy in her heart but couldn't dwell too long on it, she knew what he was like, she knew she had allowed him to roam free, and she knew these whores meant nothing to him; so she needed to relax.

"You visit that brothel most days, lover; I'm surprised you haven't taken permanent residence there." She said it carelessly, knowing full well Oberyn could read her like a book.

His beautiful face stretched to a wicked smile as he sensed the green eyed monster taking over his wife, bringing her into his arms quickly. His touch was sparking across her skin, the hunger as he stared down at her small frame clear as day in the black of his Viper-like eyes. "Why would I need to when I have a desirable wife to love? Who looks absolutely gorgeous carrying our child. I want everyone to know who you are by the end of this wedding." Oberyn admitted, twirling his wife in his arms before roughly tugging her to him, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips.

Aerys blushed, tugging at his bottom lip with her teeth before kissing him; their tongues intertwining effortlessly. Her fingers tugged at his hair; Aerys pushed on him, her lungs clawing for air as they broke apart, their breathing laboured. Oberyn pressed another quick kiss before looking behind her at the tables and clasping her hand, walking them casually over. Men twirling balls of fire, while others walked on tall stilts danced past, those around them captured in the display.

They remained seated for a while, letting their eyes watch over the scenes around them. Aerys brushed at the bump, a sharp twinge hitting her side. She gasped, moving as though she could escape the pain. "What, what's wrong?" Oberyn asked, his eyes scanning her body as she moved.

Aerys hissed, her hand placed over her side. "Nothing, it's just preparing for contractions." She whispered, Oberyn's warm, sun fire hand stroking at it. "They say the sixth month brings them."

Oberyn nodded with unsure eyes, his hand not leaving the spot. "Tell me if it gets worse, I'll take you to the Maester or we can retire back to our room."

Aerys agreed. "Just not Pycelle." She admitted, sinking into his arms. He nodded, unsure of why exactly she didn't want Pycelle but didn't push into it further, letting her relax. Their eyes fell to the large lion in front of them, unsure of its purpose but to display the grandeur of House Lannister. Aerys reached forward, her hand plucking at the softness of a grape but hovering close to Oberyn, something else capturing his eye as he softly accepted the grape; the burst of juice refreshing.

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