(10) JAM class

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Mr. Hart was taking Me, Henry, and Piper to the JAM class. But Mr. Hart took the long way instead of the shortcut and because of that Piper started screaming at him. The lecturing and screaming went on until we go to the Swellview Medical Center. The three of us got out of the car and headed to the JAM room.  It took us about 1 minute to find the door. Henry knocked on the door and opened the door. "Hey ugh, Im here for the JAM class" Henry said. "Class started 10 minutes ago" The teacher said annoyed. "Yeah ugh, Sorry we were just-" Henry was saying. "Hey!!, Why are these turds interrupting our JAM class" A girl shouted. "Aniese sit down" The teacher said.

"Im too mad to sit" She shouted. "Than squeeze your bulb" The teacher said. "But don't want to" She said. "Squeeze your bulb!!" He demanded. She squeezed the bulb and this mist came out of the collar she was wearing. "Sure thing Mr. Hariss" She said calmly sitting down. "Woah, What just came out of her collar??" I asked the teacher. "It was a special mist that helps camp the nerves" He replied. "Special Mist" Henry repeated to Piper. "What's in it??" I asked. "Diet coke, frittle juice, frog spit, and rabbit urine" He replied.

"And its safe?!?" Henry asked. "I don't know, Why is she late??" The teacher questioned. "Ugh because-" Henry said before getting cut off. "Because my stupid dad decided to take the long way here, Even though their was a short cut that Me and Ivy were telling him" She said and continued to ramble. The teacher took out a bottle and started squeezed it, than magicly Piper stopped rambling. "Hi, Im Piper" She said sticking her hand up to shake. He shook her hand and she sat down. "Can I borrow that??" Henry asked.

Henry and I went down to the Man Cave after dropping Piper at JAM class. "Hey guys " We greeted getting out of the elevator. "Hey" They all greeted back. "Okay, Women pulling arms" I said pointing at Ray and the two women pulling his arms. "And dissecting pumpkins" Henry continued. "What going on??" I asked. "Isn't it obvious?" Ray questioned. "No, not really" Henry answered. "I'm on the PEP, Pumpkin eating plan" Ray said.

"I only eat Pumpkins now" He said. "Pumpkin soup, Pumpkin cake, Pumpkin juice" He listed. "Guys Guys!!" Schuaz yelled coming into the room. "What??" We all groaned. "I made a new machine, it can go against any strong winds" He said. "Are you talking about that tornado that's going hit Swellview later today??" Jasper asked. "Yeah" Schuaz replied. "Do you guys want one??" He asked. "No" Everyone but me replied. "I'll take one Schuaz" I said. "And this is why your my favorite" He said handing me one. I chuckled and walked over to Henry.

"So, What's going on with your sister piper??" Ray asked Henry. "She's trying to control her anger so today we took her to JAM class" Henry replied. "Ha" Ray shouted. "What??" I asked. "Ha! JAM class is stupid" He said. "JAM class helps a lot of angry patients" Charlotte explained. "And what makes you think that it will help Piper" Ray said. "Because today I was at her class and it looks like they really know what their doing" Henry replied. "Well its not going to work" Ray said getting off his chair and walking over next to Jasper.

"You wanna bet" Henry said. "Sure, If I can get piper to loose her temper the exact same day you have to eat...Raw pumpkin guts" Ray said. "Okay its on" Henry said. "Than im on team Henry" Charlotte said high fiving Henry. "Im on team Ray" Jasper said putting his arm around Rays shoulders. "Take your hands off" Ray demanded. "What team are you on Ivy??" Henry asked. "Nobody's because this can end both ways" I replied. "Okay, Tonight we'll all see who wins" Ray said shaking Henrys hand.

All of us walked into Henrys house for dinner. "Oh hey, Henry didn't tell me he was bringing extra friends to dinner" Mrs. Hart said. "Yeah well he didn't tell me you were so beautiful" Ray said. She blushed and smiled. "Oh stop it" She said. I grabbed Rays ear and dragged him over to Henry. "So mom, when's Piper getting here??' Henry asked his mom. "In just a few minutes actually" She replied. "What did you make for dinner Mrs. Hart??" Ray asked her. "I made Pipers favorite dish; Lobster balls and Tushi" She replied.

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